

英语语法:一般现在时表将来 Present Simple for the future

● We use the Present Simple when we talk about future events that are part of some official arrangement such as a timetable or a program. This kind of sentences often contains verbs such as open, close, begin, end, start, finish, arrive, leave, come, return.

● 当将要发生的某件事情属于官方的某种安排,如时间表或某项计划,用一般现在时表将来,这种类型的句子通常包含动词如open、close、begin、end、start、finish、arrive、leave、come、return。

★ Their plane arrives at three o’clock in the morning.

★ 他们的飞机将于凌晨三点落地。

★ National No-smoking Week starts on October 24th.

★ 全国禁烟周将于10月24日开始。

★ The museum opens at 10:00 tomorrow morning.

★ 该博物馆将于明天上午十点开馆。

● We use the Present Simple rather than Will to refer to the future in adverbial clauses introduced by time conjunctions such as after, before, when, as soon as and until.

● 表将要发生的事情, after、before、when、as soon as、until引导的时间状语从句用一般现在时表将来(主将从现)。

★ After he comes out of hospital, he will need complete rest for another two months.

★ 出院后,他还需要再好好休息两个月。

★ Before I decide to buy the house, I will have it looked at by an expert.

★ 在决定买这所房子之前,我会先请专家来看看。

★ I will let you know when she gets here.

★ 她到达后,我会告诉你的。

★ The taxi will arrive soon. As soon as it arrives, we’ll be able to leave for the airport.

★ 出租车很快就到。出租车一到,我们就可以出发去机场了。

★ We won’t let her walk to school alone until she is a little older.

★ 要等她再长大一些,我们才会让她独自走路去学校。

★ What are you going to do as soon as class ends today?

★ 今天下课后,你准备去做什么?

● We use the Present Simple rather than Will to refer to the future in conditional clauses with if, unless, in case and provided.

● 在if、unless、in case、provided引导的条件句中,用一般现在时表将来。

★ Let me know if he says anything interesting.

★ 要是他说了一些有趣的事情,一定要告诉我。

★ Provided the traffic isn’t too bad, I’ll pick you up from work.

★ 只要交通不是太糟糕,我就去接你下班。

★ Unless he takes his work more seriously, he will fail his exams.

★ 除非他认真地对待自己的学习,否则不会通过考试。

★ In case one pen runs out, he will take two into the exam room.

★ 怕一支笔不够写,他会带两支笔进考场。

● We use the Present Simple in that- and wh-clauses when both the main clause and the that- and wh-clause refer to the future. We don’t use Will in the that- and wh-clause.

● 当主句和that-和wh-从句均表未来时,that-和wh-从句通常用一般现在时表将来,而不用Will。

★ Tonight, I’m going to check that Cathy does her homework correctly.

★ 我今晚会检查凯西是否把作业做对了。

★ By the time the book is published next year, no one will be interested in what scandalous claims it makes.

★ 到明年这本书出版之时,就没人会对这本书将引起的丑闻感兴趣了。

● However, when the main clause refers to the present, we normally use Will in the that- and wh-clause. But, if we are talking about a fixed arrangement, we can use either Will or the Present Simple.

● 如果主句是一般现在时,则that-和wh-从句通常用Will表将来;但是,如果谈论的是某种确定好的安排,可用Will也可用一般现在时表将来。

★ Some people believe that the earth will be destroyed by a nuclear accident.

★ 有些人认为,地球将因核事故而毁灭。

★ The new regulations mean that businesses have to/ will have to complete the form by 1st April.

★ 新的规定意味着企业必须在4月1日前完成表格。

★ It says in the program that the concert finishes/will finish at half past ten.

★ 节目单写着,音乐会将于十点半结束。

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