ill和sick均为形容词,在(be, become, feel, look, seem)后作表语,表示“患病”或“身体不适”,下面我们就来聊聊关于ill和sick哪个可以用作名词日积月累ill与sick的区别?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!




ill和sick均为形容词,在(be, become, feel, look, seem)后作表语,表示“患病”或“身体不适”。

例1. John is ill and can't come to school. 约翰病了,不能来上学。

例2. Mary looks ill. What's wrong with her?玛丽看起来病了。她怎么了?

例3. Alice fell ill while on holiday. 爱丽丝度假时生病了。

例4. If you spend too much time in the cold, you will get ill. 如果你在寒冷中呆太久,会生病的。

例5. Joe felt sick and had to go home at lunchtime. 乔觉得不舒服,午饭时间不得不回家。

例6. I am sick in bed this morning, and I will report in sick. 今天早上我卧病在床,得请个病假。



例6. I was ill for a time last month, but I'm fine now. 上个月我病了,现在好了。

例7. She's critically ill in hospital. 她住院了,病得很重。

例8. Is there a bathroom? I feel sick. 有洗手间吗?我觉得恶心。

例9. If you eat that food, you'll be sick. 如果你吃了那种食物,你会呕吐的。

例10. Joe ate so much that he was sick. 乔吃得太多,以至于吐了。

例11. The smell there made me sick. 那里的气味让我恶心。

例12. I can't travel by boat because I feel sick immediately. 我不能坐船旅行,因为上船晕就想吐。

例13. Joe is very sick today. 乔今天病得很重。(美式英语)

例14. He has been sick over a year. 他病了一年多了。(美式英语)

例15. I have to call the doctor because my daughter is as sick as a dog. 我得打电话给医生,因为我女儿病得很厉害。(美式英语)


ill和sick的修辞不同。sick用于修饰名词(人),表示“病了”,ill不可以。Sick可以与day, leave和pay搭配使用,构成sick day病假,sick leave病假或sick pay病假工资,ill不可以。ill修饰名词,表示“病了”通常要与副词(seriously, chronically, or terminally)配合。

例16. John is ill, and he is an ill a sick child. 约翰病了,是个生病的孩子。

例17. Alice was at home looking after her ill sick baby. 爱丽丝在家照顾生病的孩子。

例18. She's not at work today. She’s on sick leave. 她今天不在上班,请病假了。

例19. This ward is for terminally ill patients. 这个房间是临终病人的病房。

例20. In a clear, concise, straight forward style, they discuss the communication skills necessary to master the care of the seriously ill patient.他们以清晰、简洁、直截了当的方式讨论掌握重症患者护理所需的沟通技巧。

例21. This is an innovative way to improve care for chronically ill patients.这是改善慢性病患者护理的创新方法。

ill和sick的比喻修辞法存在差异。ill 表示“不详的;不好的;不愉快的”,sick表示“不愉快的”,尤指愤怒。

例22. Some believe that the owl is a bird of ill omen. 有人认为猫头鹰是一种不祥的鸟。

例23. The report will induce an ill opinion of the new immigrants. 这份报告会引起人们对新移民的反感。

例24. There will probably always be an ill feeling between them.他们之间可能永远都会有一种不愉快的感觉。

例25. Bill was forced to retire because of ill health. 比尔因身体不好而被迫退休。

例26. He makes me sick the way he behaves! 他的行为让我恶心!

例27. I am so sick of all these ads. 我讨厌这些广告。

例28. I got the feeling that he was getting pretty sick of me. 我有种感觉,他已经对我感到厌烦了。
