就描写的视角而言,描写分为主观描写(impressionistic description)和客观描写(objective description)。前者突出作者的态度和观点,而后者则描绘出事物本身的特性。就描写的对象而言,描写文可分为人物描写,景物描写和场景描写。人物描写又包括肖像描写,行动描写,语言描写和心理描写。景物描写的方法较多,有步移法、静态描写法、动态描写法、定点描写法、动点描写法,还有时间推移法。场景描写指对一个特定时间和地点发生的事情的描写,如劳动场面、会议场面、战斗场面等的描写。场景描写又可分为直接描写与间接描写,前者直接介绍场景,后者则是通过其他人物或事件的描绘、叙述或反应,间接烘托主角。根据参照对象的不同性质,间接描写可分别使用正衬法和反衬法。
1. The student lounge is a place where students congregate in a leisurely fashion, and as a result it is not always attractive and neat.
2. The student lounge is a messy room.
前句对“student lounge”的描写内容丰富,突出了产生现状的原因,而后句则显然欠缺描述的精确性。
人物描写应栩栩如生,使读者见文如见人。人物描写可能包括两方面的内容, 一是外貌描写, 二是心理描写。外貌描写的一个基本要求就是要为揭示人物的性格特征服务,而要达到这个效果则需要使用描写性的形容词和副词,且需要包括视觉、听觉、味觉、触觉的细节描写。外貌描写一般遵循空间的顺序展开。心理描写注重刻画人物内在精神世界,描述人物思想感情和思想斗争的历程,塑造人物形象,表达中心思想的主要手段。
1. 理清描写顺序
3. 善于细节描写
写作文最基本的要求是用具体的细节来表达思想。英语写作有一条座右铭,那就是 “show more than tell”。下面两个例句清楚地说明了这一点。
(1)He was very, very angry.
(2)His face turned red, and one corner of his mouth twitched as he tried to control his anger.
4. 巧用修辞
(1)He says he is almost as busy as a bee.
(2) My heart is like a singing bird.
范文 1
The Harvest Time
Perhaps autumn is the most pleasant season of the year. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. It is the best time for going to the countryside.
Last Sunday we went to the countryside. There was golden wheat all over the fields. There was a wood of fruit trees surrounded by there fields, in which large and colorful apples and pears were hanging heavy on the trees. We could see that some peasants were busy cutting the wheat in the fields, and others were picking fruits from the trees. All the baskets were full lovely fruits. They are the reward to the hard work of the peasants.
I love the harvest time. Standing in the farm lands I felt that I was in a splendid fairyland.
评析: 文章描写了秋收的场景,借作者的眼睛和视角,呈现一片丰收景象。对农民忙着收割庄稼和摘水果的描写属于直接描写,作者的感受则属于间接描写。两种描写共用把人的劳动和大自然的美结合起来构成一幅美丽的图画。
City Life and Country Life城市生活与乡村生活
Life in a Metropolis
A metropolis is a place where many young people long to live in, as there seem to be shining rings above their sky and a paradise to fulfill their ambitions and dreams. So what is the life in it? Do people living in it really feel happy?
A metropolis is overcrowded with its houses and apartments boxed together. The streets are crowded and the buses are full. There are skyscrapers in a metropolis, but they may create the sense of oppression. There are many top-grade restaurants, spas and hotels in it, but they are only at the service of rich people. There are advanced facilities everywhere, but they may evoke the inhospitality among people. There are plenty of opportunities here for young people to earn good money, but the pride and temporary satisfaction are acquired at the expense of health, happiness and peace. Some people may believe that their values of life are realized in the metropolis, but they actually have no idea of what they have lost in the rat race. I don’t mean that no one should live in a metropolis. I just believe that people should not be crazy to swarm into that so called paradise if they have not carefully calculated their gains and loss in the future.
In a word, people lose much in a metropolis, and it is a pity that they are still willing to lose even more.
long to do
fulfill one’s ambition and dream
realize one’s dream
create the sense of
in the rat race
evoke the inhospitality
at the expense of health
have no idea of
be crazy to do
swarm into
So what is the life in a metropolis?
A metropolis is a place where many young people long to live in.
A metropolis is overcrowded with its houses and apartments boxed together.
A metropolis offers many job opportunities.
There are more opportunities of meeting a variety of interesting people in a big city.
A metropolis have an efficient public transportation system.
The air in a metropolis is seriously polluted and there are too many noises.