用英语学英语口语:homebody 宅男/女










1) URead 体验英语:


Are you a homebody?

If you answer Yes to the following questions, yes, you are:

1. Do you enjoy the warmth and simple pleasures of being at home, and don't want to go out?

2. Do you order delivery WAY too many times at home?

3. Do you look forward to rainy weekends because you can watch a NCIS marathon?

4. Do you really rather just drink wine in your bed.

5. Have you watched an entire season of a TV show on Netflix?

6. Are socializing and clubbing the least desirable activities you can think of?

7. Are you always home in time to watch SNL on Saturday nights?

8. Do you go home and browse the internet for hours on your laptop?

2) UTalk 自己跟自己说英语,使用英语:


1. 读到Do you enjoy the warmth and simple pleasures of being at home, and don't want to go out时,自己跟自己说英语:

Well you know if you are a homebody, you will enjoy the warmth and the simple pleasures of being at home.You don't like going out.

2. 读到Do you order delivery WAY too many times at home时,自己跟自己说英语:

Do you know what a homebody is?

Well you know a homebody always(=way too many) picks up the phone and orders delivery from their home.

3. 读到Do you look forward to rainy weekends because you can watch a NCIS marathon时,自己跟自己说英语:

Well a homebody likes rainy weekends because he or she has a very good excuse to stay at home.

4. 读到Do you really rather just drink wine in your bed时,

Well an American homebody(Not a Chinese homebody,of course) will drink wine in their bed.Haha, a funny way of being a homebody in the USA.

5. 读到Have you watched an entire season of a TV show on Netflix时,自己跟自己说英语:

OK, you will be a homebody if you watch an entire/a complete session of a TV show at home.

6. 读到Are socializing and clubbing the least desirable activities you can think of时,使用英语:

Well homebodies don't like socializing and clubbing.



7. 读到Are you always home in time to watch SNL on Saturday nights时,使用英语:

Well a homebody is always home in time, for what?

For watching their favorite TV show啊!

8. 读到Do you go home and browse the internet for hours on your laptop时,使用英语:

Well a good homebody will browse the Internet(surf the Internet) as soon as they get home.



1) URead 体验英语:

What is homebody?

1. stay-at-home

2. hermit

3. loner

4. recluse

5. shut-in

2) UTalk 自己跟自己说英语:

Well you may call a homebody a homebody, you may also call a homebody a shut-in, you may call a homebody a stay-at-home, you may call a homebody a hermit, or a loner, or a recluse.

