

组。如:yesterday,yesterday morning,yesterday afternoon,yesterday evening,the day before yesterday

(前天),last night,last week,last month, last year,a moment ago(刚才),just now(刚才), two days ago,a week ago,in 1990 等。 如: I went to bed at eleven last night. 昨晚我 11:00 睡觉。




1、一般情况下,在动词原形后面加-ed;如:look→looked play→played;

2、以不发音 e 结尾的动词,在词尾直接加-d;如:live→lived use→used;

3、以“ 辅音字母 y”结尾的动词,先将 y 改为 i ,再加 –ed;

如:study→studied, try→tried fly→flied

4、以重读闭音节(即辅音+元音+辅音)或 r 音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,要先双写这个辅音字母后,再加 –ed。

如:stop→stopped plan→planned;



begin→began drink→drank come→came eat→ate grow→grew run→ran know→knew win→won speak→spoke take→took write→wrote get→got

2、变词尾的–d 为–t ; build→built lend→lent send→sent spend→spent bend→bent

3、与动词原形一样; cut→cut put→put cost→cost hurt→hurt shut→shut

4、变-ay 为-aid (少数动词); say→said pay→paid lay→laid

5、采用不同词根;sell→sold teach→taught buy→bought

6、其他。如:am/is→was are→were have/has→had do→did




1、把 was, were 放在句首,其余位置不变。

由 Was…?引导的一般疑问句,肯定答为:Yes,… was. 否定回答为:No,…. wasn’t. 由 Were…?引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答为:Yes,… were. 否定回答为:No,… weren’t. 如:

(1)I was born in Shanghai. →Were you born in Shanghai?

→Yes, I was. (肯定回答) →No, I wasn’t. (否定回答)

(2)They were in Li Yan’s home last night.

→Were they in Li Yan’s home last night?

→Yes, they were. (肯定回答) →No, they weren’t. (否定回答)

2、在行为动词的句子中,要用助动词词 did 来引导,其余的语序不变。要注意的是,要把行为动词的过去式改为原形。肯定回答为:Yes, …did. 否定回答:No, …didn’t.

如: John played computer games last night.

→Did John play computer games last night?

→Yes, he did. (肯定回答) →No, he didn’t. (否定回答)


1、在表示过去存在的状态的句子中,相接在 was, were 的后面加上 not。

如:(1)He was in the park the day before yesterday. →He was not in the park the day before yesterday.

(2)We were busy last week. →We were not busy last week.

2、在表示过去的时间发生的动作的句子中,要在行为动词的前面加助动词 didn’t.然后把过去式的行为动词改为动词原形。即:didn’t 动词原形。如:

(1)She played the violin last night. →She didn’t play the violin last night.

(2) They swam in the lake yesterday. →They didn’t swim in the lake yesterday.

(三) 一般过去式的特殊疑问句

1.What did … ?(主要是询问过去发生了什么事情,注意要把过去式改为动词原形。)

We ate Chinese food last night. →What did we eat last night?

2.Where did ?( 主要是询问过去事情发生的地方。)

They sang and dance in the music room yesterday morning.

→Where did they sing and dance yesterday morning?

3.Who 动词过去式 … ?( 主要是询问过去事情发生的人物。)

Mike and Tom climbed mountains last weekend.

→Who climbed mountains last weekend?



1、在表示某个时间里存在的状态的句子,系动词用过式 was,were 构成。

如: (1)I was at home yesterday. 昨天我在家。 (2)We were in the gym just now. 刚才我们在体育馆


如:I visited my uncle yesterday. 昨天我拜访了我的叔叔。



主语 + 动词过去式 + 宾语或表语。

He worked in Shanghai ten years ago.


a.主语 + didn’t + 动词原形 + 宾语。 (did not = didn't)

He didn't do morning exercises yesterday.

b.主语 + wasn’t/weren’t +表语。(was not = wasn't were not = weren't)

He wasn't an English teacher ten years ago.


a.Did + 主语 + 动词原形 + 宾语 ?

Did you study English in 1990 ?

b.Was/Were 主语 + 表语 ?

Was he a pupil five years ago ?


a.特殊疑问词 + did 主语 + 动词原形 + 宾语?

Where did your parents live five years ago?

What did you do last Sunday?

b.特殊疑问词 + were/was + 表语?

Who was at the zoo yesterday?


第五节 小学英语不规则动词变化表

1. am/is –was 动词“是” 2. are—were 动词“是” 3. become—became 变为,变成 4. begin—began 开始 5. buy—bought 买 6. bring—brought 拿来,带来 7. beat—beat 敲打,搅拌 8. blow—blew 吹,吹动 9. break—broke 打破,打碎,折断 10. build—built 建筑,建造 11. can—could 能,会,允许,可以 12. come—came 到,到来,来临 13. catch—caught 捕捉,抓住 14. cut—cut 切,割 15. cost—cost 花费 16. choose—chose 选择 17. do/does—did 干,做 18. drink—drank 喝 19. drive—drove 驾驶,驾驭,驱赶 20. draw—drew 画 21. dig—dug 挖,掘,刨 22. eat—ate 吃 23. fly—flew/flied 放(风筝) 24. forget—forgot 忘记,遗忘 25. fall—fell 落下,掉下,跌倒 26. feel—felt 触摸,感觉,觉得 27. find—found 寻找,发现,找到 28. give—gave 给,给予 29. go—went 去,离去,离开 30. get—got 开始,收到 31. grow—grew 生长,成长 32. have/has—had 拥有,取得,拿 33. hurt—hurt 使受伤,使痛疼 34. hit—hit 打,撞击,碰撞 35. hang—hung 悬挂,吊 36. hear—heard 听,听见,收到 37. hold—held 抓住,握住,拿住 38. know—knew 知道,了解 39. lose—lost 丢失,遗失 40. lend—lent 借给,贷给 41. learn—learnt/learned 学习,得知 42. let—let 放开,允许 43. leave—left 离开,离别,离去 44. lie—lay 躺,卧 45. make—made 制作,制造,整理 46. meet—met 遇见,看见,引见 47. may—might 可以,允许 48. mean—menat 意思是,决定做 49. put—put 放,安置 50. ride—rode 乘,骑,坐 51. rise—rose 升起,出现 52. read—read 阅读,朗读 53. run—ran 跑,奔跑 54. ring—rang 给…打电话,画图 55. shall—should 命令,允许 56. swim—swam 游泳,游 57. sing—sang 唱,唱歌 58. sit—sat 坐,就坐 59. send—sent 送,寄,递 60. spend—spent 花费(钱,时间) 61. sweep—swept 打扫,清理 62. smell—smelt 闻,嗅 63. sleep—slept 睡觉,睡 64. speak—spoke 说,说话,讲话 65. sell—sold 卖,出售 66. see—saw 看,看见,望 67. say—said 说,说话 68. stand—stood 站立,站起 69. steal—stole 偷,盗取 70. think—thought 思考,考虑 71. teach—taught 教,教导,教授 72. take—took 得到,拿走,抓住 73. throw—threw 扔,投,掷 74. write—wrote 写,书写,写字 75. win—won 获胜,赢得 76. wake—woke 醒,使活跃 77. will—would 将要,可以,会 78. wear—wore 穿着,佩戴
