crib 婴儿床

cot 小床,小房子

bedding 被褥

mosquito net 蚊帐

curtain 窗帘

playpen (幼儿)玩耍护栏,游戏围栏

pram 卧式婴儿车

stroller 婴儿车(幼儿可以坐着,有安全带)

pushchair 折叠式幼儿小推车

hood 遮阳蓬

high chair 高脚椅

feeding bottle 奶瓶

teat 奶嘴

bib 围兜

wet wipe 湿纸巾

baby care 婴儿护理

rattle 拨浪鼓

toy 玩具

nappy /diaper 尿布

disposable diaper 纸尿裤


She will cry if you take her feeding bottle from her. 如果你把奶瓶从她那拿走她会哭的。

He's grown so big that he can almost climb out of the crib. 他已经长这么大了,几乎能自己爬出婴儿床了。

The baby room will be finished soon. 婴儿房快完工了。

I want to buy a pram for their baby. 我想给他们的宝宝买辆婴儿车。

