“帮妈妈做家务”是do chores吗?

do chores用英语怎么说?






1) 把学过的英语用起来:


Mom Makes Son Do Chores To Teach Him A Lesson: Housework Isn’t Just For Women

Nikkole Paulun from Monroe, MI, is a single mother of two. She is doing her best to raise her 6-year-old son and baby girl to be the best versions of themselves.

Recently, Paulun shared a post on Facebook about her son’s chores. The mother believes that teaching her son to cook, clean, and do laundry will show him that housework isn’t just for women.


“I really just want to make sure that he grows up to be somebody who is self-sufficient and that he’s not considered lazy,” Paulun told ABC News. “He’s going to be a good hardworking man. You can’t have that if you don’t start teaching them when they’re young.”

Paulun plans on teaching her 1-year-old daughter things like how to change a tire and fix a leaky sink once she is old enough.

The mother has had to play both father and mother to her children.


When Nikkole shared photos of her son doing chores on Facebook they quickly went viral. See her message about cleaning and “manliness” below.

“I teach my son to cook & do household chores,” Paulun wrote on Facebook. “Why? Because household work isn’t just for women.”

5) “帮妈妈做家务”的英语口语练习:

1. Okay.I got you.We have many ways to say 做家务 in English.For example:

2. We can say:I help my mom with her chores(ch- like ch- in chair,and ores like or in or:chore)

3. We can say:I do chores for my mom.


4. 那么,do chores是什么意思?

5. Well,when we say:I do chores for mom,we can also say:I do housework for my mom.

6. Well,when we say:I do housework for mom,we can also say:I do household chores,or household work for my mom.

7.实在不会说housework,household work,household chores,chores,我们至少可以用下面英语表达chores等:

8. Well,I often help my mom with cook the food, cleaning the floor, and doing laundry.


能把这些英语顺溜,不就是household chores吗?


