环境:NodeJS : 12.13.0,下面我们就来聊聊关于swagger生成接口文档?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!



swagger - RESTFUL接口文档在线自动生成、代码自动生成工具


NodeJS : 12.13.0

swagger-editor : 3.15.8(2021-03-04)

swagger-codegen : 2.4.9(2019-10-14)

swagger-ui : 3.44.1(2021-03-04)





Swagger 是一款RESTFUL接口的、基于yaml、json语言的文档在线自动生成、代码自动生成的工具。

1. RESTful API规范

swagger使用swagger 2.0(2014-09-08) 规范,其依赖于OpenAPI 3.0版本的规范。

openapi 规范,是定义一个标准的、与具体编程语言无关的RESTful API的规范。官方文档(中文):OpenAPI 开放API规范

swagger 2.0规范示例:

swagger: '2.0' # 语义化版本号规范 info: # 【必选】API相关的元数据 title: Swagger Demo # 【必选】应用的名称 version: 1.0.0 # 【必选】版本信息 description: # 描述 Swagger Demo - https://github.com/itas109/node-webdev termsOfService: # 服务条款的URL地址 https://github.com/itas109/node-webdev contact: # 联系人信息 name: itas109 email: itas109@qq.com license: # 协议 name: MIT License url: https://opensource.org/licenses/mit/ host: # 服务端host basePath: # url基路径 /v1 tags: # 元数据的一系列标签 - name: user description: Operations about user externalDocs: description: user external docs url: https://github.com/itas109 schemes: # 协议,http,https,ws,wss - http - https externalDocs: # 附加的文档 description: external docs url: https://github.com/itas109 paths: # 【必选】API有效的路径和操作 /user/login: # 端点的相对路径,路径必须以 / 打头 get: tags: # 标签分类 - user summary: Logs user into the system description: '' produces: - application/json - application/xml parameters: # 参数 - name: username # 【必选】参数的名称 in: query # 【参数】 入参类型,query, header, path 或 cookie description: user name for login # 描述 required: true # 是否必须 type: string - name: password in: query description: user password for login required: true type: string responses: # 【必须】返回值 '200': description: json, {"code":0,"message":"success","data":[{"token_type":"bearer","access_token":"adcc4dc09a4f9ac278d019605f00f33c9a08e0e3","expires_in":3600,"refresh_token":"418470a87cb3d9320a092bb550790ae2c13182f1"}]} schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiResponse' headers: X-Rate-Limit: type: integer format: int32 description: calls per hour allowed by the user X-Expires-After: type: string format: date-time description: date in UTC when token expires '400': description: Invalid username/password schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' '/user/{username}': get: tags: - user summary: Get user by user name description: '' produces: - application/json - application/xml parameters: - name: username in: path description: The name that needs to be fetched required: true type: string responses: '200': description: successful operation schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiResponse' '400': description: Invalid username supplied schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' '404': description: User not found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' security: - user_auth: - 'write:user' - 'read:user' - token: [] - BasicAuth: [] securityDefinitions: # 安全定义 user_auth: type: oauth2 authorizationUrl: localhost:8080/oauth/token flow: implicit scopes: 'write:user': modify user in your account 'read:user': read your user token: type: apiKey name: Authorization description: "Authorization: Bearer xxx" in: header BasicAuth: type: basic definitions: ApiResponse: example: {"code":0, "message":"success","data":[{'xxx':'xxx'}]} type: object properties: code: type: integer format: int32 description: "System Level Code:\n 0 success \n 100101 system inner error \n 100201 interface maintenance \n 200202 interface disabled \n\n Service Level Code:\n 200101 input params empty \n 200102 input params error \n 200103 no auth" message: type: string description: "code details information" data: type: string description: "return datas array when code equal 0" ApiErrorResponse: example: {"code":200102, "message":"input params error"} type: object properties: code: type: integer format: int32 description: "System Level Code:\n 0 success \n 100101 system inner error \n 100201 interface maintenance \n 200202 interface disabled \n\n Service Level Code:\n 200101 input params empty \n 200102 input params error \n 200103 no auth" message: type: string description: "code details information"

2. swagger editor生成swagger配置文件

上节中对RESTful API规范做了介绍,本节介绍使用swagger editor进行可视化的生成RESTful API的yaml或json文件。

2.1 swagger editor使用

在swagger editor的左边可以进行接口定义,右边可以实时看到对应的api信息。

最后,点击顶部的菜单栏File -> Save as YAML生成yaml文件。

2.2 swagger editor地址



--- swagger-editor | --- dist | | --- swagger-editor-bundle.js | | --- swagger-editor-standalone-preset.js | | --- swagger-editor.css | | --- swagger-editor.js | --- index.html

3. swagger-codegen生成代码(以服务端为例)

经过上节我们可以生成RESTful API的yaml文件,本节介绍如何通过yaml文件生成代码(这里以NodeJS服务端为例)。

3.1 swagger-codegen简介

swagger-codegen是OpenAPI (f.k.a Swagger) 规范的开源代码生成器,支持 API 客户端, API 服务单和 API 文档。

3.2 swagger-codegen生成代码(以NodeJS服务端为例)

$ java -jar swagger-codegen-cli-2.4.9.jar langs Available languages: [ada, ada-server, akka-scala, android, apache2, apex, aspnetcore, bash, csharp, clojure, cwiki, cpprest, csharp-dotnet2, dart, dart-jaguar, elixir, elm, eiffel, erlang-client, erlang-server, finch, flash, python-flask, go, go-server, groovy, haskell-http-client, haskell, jmeter, jaxrs-cxf-client, jaxrs-cxf, java, inflector, jaxrs-cxf-cdi, jaxrs-spec, jaxrs, msf4j, java-pkmst, java-play-framework, jaxrs-resteasy-eap, jaxrs-resteasy, javascript, javascript-closure-angular, java-vertx, kotlin, lua, lumen, nancyfx, nodejs-server, objc, perl, php, powershell, pistache-server, python, qt5cpp, r, rails5, restbed, ruby, rust, rust-server, scala, scala-gatling, scala-lagom-server, scalatra, scalaz, php-silex, sinatra, slim, spring, dynamic-html, html2, html, swagger, swagger-yaml, swift4, swift3, swift, php-symfony, tizen, typescript-aurelia, typescript-angular, typescript-inversify, typescript-angularjs, typescript-fetch, typescript-jquery, typescript-node, undertow, ze-ph, kotlin-server]

java -jar swagger-codegen-cli-2.4.9.jar help generate

java -jar swagger-codegen-cli-2.4.9.jar generate -i swagger.yaml -l nodejs-server -o samples

--- samples | --- .swagger-codegen | | --- VERSION | --- .swagger-codegen-ignore | --- api | | --- swagger.yaml | --- controllers | | --- User.js | --- index.js | --- package.json | --- README.md | --- service | | --- UserService.js | --- utils | | --- writer.js

3.3 swagger-codegen地址

--- swagger-codegen | --- gen.bat | --- gen.sh | --- swagger.yaml | --- swagger-codegen-cli-2.4.9.jar

https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/swagger/swagger-codegen-cli/2.4.9/swagger-codegen-cli-2.4.9.jar

java Version 8 Update 271 (2020-10-20) https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/javase-jdk8-downloads.html

4. swagger-ui4.1 swagger-ui简介



4.2 swagger-ui使用

--- swagger-ui | --- favicon-16x16.png | --- favicon-32x32.png | --- index.html | --- swagger-ui-bundle.js | --- swagger-ui-standalone-preset.js | --- swagger-ui.css | --- swagger-ui.js


SwaggerUIBundle({ "url": "swagger.yaml", // 本文件相同目录下的本地文件,也可以为远程文件 "validatorUrl": false, // 不校验 })


cd swagger-ui http-server -p 8080

4.3 swagger-ui地址




  1. https://swagger.io/specification/
  2. https://github.com/fishead/OpenAPI-Specification