


1) 我们读一段英语:


Car pooling – good for your pocket and the environment

Car pooling, also known as ride-sharing or lift-sharing, can save you big bucks on gas, wear and tear on your vehicle, oil resources and reduce all the associated nasty environmental impact associated with driving. But wait, there’s more!..

2) 我们不要把这段英语“读成”中文,我们把它“读成”英语、“学成”英语,把学过的英语用起来练习英语口语:


1. Okay.I got it. We have many ways to say 拼车 in English.

2. We may call it car pooling.We may call it ride-sharing,or we may call it lift-sharing.

3.For example.If you go to work by riding in other people's car,you may say:

- I go to and from work by car pooling.

- I go to and from work by ride-sharing.

- I go yo and from work by lift-sharing.

4.You can also say:Execuse me.May I share a ride in your car?



1. Well,you know car pooling is good for our pocket and the environment.

2. Well,car pooling can save us big bucks on gas, wear and tear on our vehicle, oil resources and reduce all the associated nasty environmental impact associated with driving.
