公务员是指依法履行公职、纳入国家行政编制、由国家财政负担工资福利的工作人员 随着社会的内卷更加严重,考公,考编已经成为了潮流,已经是很多人的职业方向了那么你知道“公务员”用英语怎么说?一起来和精华来学习下吧,下面我们就来聊聊关于公务员用英语怎么写 公务员用英文怎么说?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!

公务员用英语怎么写 公务员用英文怎么说

公务员用英语怎么写 公务员用英文怎么说

公务员是指依法履行公职、纳入国家行政编制、由国家财政负担工资福利的工作人员 。随着社会的内卷更加严重,考公,考编已经成为了潮流,已经是很多人的职业方向了。那么你知道“公务员”用英语怎么说?一起来和精华来学习下吧!

civil servant n.公务员或public servantcivil service n.政务;公务public service n.公职;公益事业take the civil service exam(ination) 考公务员【解释】A civil servant is a person who works for the local,state, or federal government in the United States, or in the civil service in Britain and some other countries.【例句】I'm certain, as a civil servant, he would love to hear what you think.我很确定,作为一名公务员,他很乐意听你的想法。

government employee 政府职员;公务员government official n.政府官员【解释】An official is a person ,who holds a position of authority in an organization.【例句】He later served as a government employee,until he began writing professionally in his 40s.后来,他成为了一名公务员,直到40多岁才开始从事专业写作。

grassroots /ˈgræˌsruːts/n. (组织、运动的) 基层人员;草根grassroots position 基层岗位【解释】The grassroots of an organization or,movement are the ordinary people ,who form the main part of it,rather than its leaders.grassroots这个词天生就是s结尾,表示草根这个群体,谓语动词可以用单数或者复数形式。很少用grassroot这个单数形式,如果想表示某个人是草根,最好说He is one of the grassroots.(他是草根之一) 或者 He is a grassroots singer/dancer/actor.(他是一名草根歌手/舞者/演员。)【例句】To my knowledge, you have to join ,the party at grassroots level.据我的了解,你得由基层组织入党。

