(1)look v. 看,下面我们就来聊聊关于2022中考英语必考知识点重点总结?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!




look v. 看

look for... 寻找... search for... 寻找...

look like 看起来像...

take after (性格/外表)像...

look up 查阅(字典、档案、参考书...)

look after 照顾,照看 = take care of

look forward to sth./doing 期待/盼望

look through 浏览,查看

look around 环顾四周

look out 当心,往外看

look up to 仰慕,钦佩

look back at 回顾...


sound v. 听起来 n. 声音

sound adj. 听起来...

sound like 听起来像...


feel v. 感觉 feel - felt - felt

feeling n. 感觉

feel like (1) 感觉像...

feel like sth./doing sth. (2) 想要...

a feeling of... 一种...样的感觉


taste v. 尝,品尝;n. 味道

taste adj. 尝起来...

tasty = delicious 可口的


smell v. 闻 n. 气味 smell - smelt - smelt

smell adj. 闻起来...


hear v. 听见 hear - heard - heard

hear sb. do sth. 听见某人做了...(全过程)

hear sb. doing sth. 听见某人正在做...


hear from sb. 收到某人来信

hear of/about 听说


show v. 展示,给...看 n. 节目

show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.


show off 炫耀

show sb. around 带某人参观

show up 到场,露面

talk show 脱口秀节目


watch v. 观看 n. 手表

watch out = look out 当心,向外看


wear v. 穿,戴 wear - wore - worn

wear glasses 戴眼镜

put on 穿上衣服

take off 脱下衣服,(飞机等)起飞


cook v. 煮,烹饪 n. 厨师

cooker n. 厨具


clean v. 打扫 adj. 干净的

clean up 打扫干净

clean...off 把...擦掉


drive v. 开车;drive - drove -driven

drive sb. mad 使某人发疯


ride (1) v. 骑 ride - rode - ridden

(2) n. 行程,便车

give sb. a ride/lift 捎某人一程

take a ride/lift 搭便车


carry v. 拿,扛,载

carry out 实施


throw v. 扔 throw - threw - thrown

throw away 扔掉


draw v. 画画、绘画 draw - drew - drawn


fly v. 飞 fly - flew - flown

Time flies 时间飞逝


wait v. 等待

wait for... 等待...

can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待要做...


catch v. 抓住,赶上 catch - caught - caught

catch the bus 赶公交

miss the bus 错过公交

catch up with sb. 赶上某人

fall behind 落后...


hate v. 讨厌,厌恶 dislike v. 不喜欢


win v. 赢,赢得 win -won -won

winner n. 获胜者


die v. 死,死亡

death n. 死,死亡

dead adj. 死的

dying adj. 将死的

die down 逐渐消失/减弱

die of / from 死于...

pass away 逝世


cut v. 砍,切 cut - cut - cut

cut down (1) 砍倒 (2) 减少

cut up 切碎

cut...into... 把...切成...

cut out 删除

cut off 切除,切掉

cut...in half 把...切成两半


meet v. 遇见 meet - met - met

meeting n. 会议,会面

attend the meeting 出席会议


smile v./n. 笑,微笑

laugh v. 笑,大笑

laugh at sb. 嘲笑某人


hope v./n. 希望

hope to do sth. 希望做某事

(没有hope sb. to do sth.这个短语)

hopeful adj. 有希望的

hopeless adj. 绝望的


wish v. 希望 n. 愿望

wish (sb.) to do sth. 希望(某人)做...

make a wish 许愿


believe v. 相信,信任

believable adj. 可信的

unbelievable adj. 难以置信的

believe in sb. = trust 信任某人

believe it or not 信不信由你

in disbelief 不信地,怀疑地

It is believed that 句子; 人们相信


worry v./n. 担心

worry about = be worried about... 担心/担忧...

Don’t worry 别担心

have a lot of worries 非常焦虑


afraid adj. 害怕的

be afraid of sth./doing 害怕做...

be afraid to do sth. 害怕做...

I’m afraid that 句子;恐怕...


strict v. 严格的,严厉的

strictly adv. 严格地

be strict with sb. 对某人严格

be strict about sth. 对某事要求严格


serious adj. 严肃的,严重的

seriously adv. 严肃地,严重地,认真地

be serious about... 对...严肃/认真

take...seriously 认真对待...


high adj. 高的

height n. 高,高度

low adj. 低的


medium adj. 中等的

be of medium height 中等身高

be of medium build 中等身材


build v. 修建,建造 build - built - built

n. 身材

building n. 建筑物

set up 设立,建立


far adj. 远的


farther/further - farthest/furthest

far away from... 离...远


time 时间,次数

on time 准时,按时

in time 及时

at that time 那时

from time to time 有时

at the same time 与此同时

at other times 在其他时候

It’s time to do sth. = It’s time for sth.


three times a week 一周三次

once 一次,曾经,一旦

twice 两次,两倍


early adj./adv. 早

dirty adj. 脏的 (反)clean adj. 干净的

terrible adj. 糟糕的,极坏的

cute adj. 可爱的

lazy adj. 懒惰的

dry adj. 干燥的

wet adj. 湿的,潮湿的

warm adj. 温暖的 warmth n. 温暖,暖和

curly adj. 卷的,弯曲的

straight adj. 直的

uneasy adj. 不安的,焦虑的

basic adj. 基本的

spare adj. 空闲的 v. 抽出

spare time 抽空/抽时间

in the spare/free time 在空闲的时间


always adv. 总是

usually adv. 通常地 usual adj. 通常的

as usual 照常,像往常一样

often 经常

sometimes 有时 = at times = from time to time

seldom adv. 很少

hardly adv. 几乎不

never adv. 从不


right now = at once = right away 立刻,马上

each other = one another 相互,彼此

after all 毕竟

in that case 既然那样,如果那样的话

so far 到目前为止

all in all 总的来说,总之

or so 大约

and so on 等等

on the one hand... on the other hand...

一方面..., 另一方面

one by one 一个接一个地,依次

bit by bit 逐步地;一点一点地

step by step 一步一步地

word by word 逐字地
