
Wang Yu can still vividly remember how she was inspired by a lecture she attended during her freshman year of college. This lecture became a crucial turning point in her pursuit of the natural sciences.



Wang Yu are leading children to observe the nature. By an interviewee


The lecture was given in 1996 by Liang Congjie, founder of the oldest environmental protection organization, “Friends of Nature.” Liang is also known as the son of Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin. Liang spent his childhood in Kunming and taught at Yunnan University in the 1960s, which caused him to develop deep feelings for Dian Lake. Speaking of the lake’s pollution at the time, he was visibly heartbroken. “I dare not and also cannot believe that the lake is so polluted. It used to be so large and clear.” These words struck a chord with Wang, who also grew up in Kunming and enjoyed the beauty of Dian Lake.


On the night after the lecture, she trembled with emotion and returned to her dormitory infused with the desire to do something to protect the environment. Not long after, she spearheaded the establishment of the “Huanqing Association,” the first student environmental group in Yunnan Province. After this, she served as a volunteer for environmental education, became part of a biodiversity protection NGO, went to the United states to study environmentalism and returned to Kunming to set up a nature education center. Through step-by-step explorations, her goals became clearer, guided all throughout by the shining beacon-like idea of environmental protection.



Spending Half a Lifetime Devoted to Environmental Protection

Wang feels lucky for her many beautiful childhood memories of Kunming. Her family usually went to Haigeng Park on weekends. There, adults swam and fished while children collected stones next to the crystal-clear water of Dian Lake. One primary school scene is indelibly imprinted in her mind: Her school was located on a hill. Looking about, one could see nearby fields that stretched all the way to the lake. The lake itself was bordered by the Western Hills, also known as “Sleeping Beauty.” After class, she and several friends would put their heads on the railings of the school building and gaze outward. Around nine in the morning, nearby households would start cooking, with puffs of smoke slowly rising from their chimneys.


This sight no longer exists, however, because of the rapidly changing city. Wang witnessed the pollution of this “mother” lake during her childhood and teenage years. When Mr. Liang woefully lectured about the pollution of Dian Lake, Wang was deeply touched and was also greatly inspired by his call for the people to take action and protect the environment. As the first student to ask a question that day, she asked Mr. Liang how to join the “Friends of Nature.” Mr. Liang replied, “We don’t encourage students to join NGOs. We would rather they establish their own associations.”


Thus, over that weekend, Wang went to pick up trash at Green Lake Park with her roommates. This was during the season when Kunming transforms into a wild paradise upon the arrival of its black-headed gulls. Tourists would enthusiastically feed the gulls but would also leave garbage everywhere in the park. After collecting this trash for several weeks, both she and her roommates felt a sense of powerlessness in face of the endless rubbish. As an ecology student, she realized that more people needed to pay attention to environmental protection. During the spring of the following year, they started the “Huanqing Association,” the first college student environmental association in Yunnan. The association aimed at advocating the importance of environmental protection via surveys and photographic exhibitions, among other efforts, and it gained the strong support of the Communist Youth League Committee of Yunnan University. What makes her proud is that this association remains active to this day in continuously raising students’ awareness for environmental conservation and sustainable living.


Nevertheless, Wang found that the association’s activities did little to result in substantial societal changes. During her final year at college, an opportunity arose when Yunnan conducted a pilot program on environmental education. As such, Wang became a volunteer for the environmental education courses at a public elementary school in Kunming, and she started to think systematically about how to best integrate environmental education into classes. When she brought her children to the natural world and saw their eyes shine with excitement when they answered her questions, she saw the power of change. This was the first time that she had learned about environmental education, and she quickly accepted it as her lifelong vocation.


After graduating from college, she worked at the Center for Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge (CBIK) in Yunnan. Five years later, she left for Wisconsin, a state in the United States, to pursue a master’s degree, after which she returned to the field of environmental education. To gain insight into how environmentalism was taught in American schools, she took many off-campus internships and strove to immerse herself in the knowledge acquisition process.


After finishing her graduate studies, Wang tried to bring the US model of environmental education back to China. During her early attempts at teaching environmentalism, she assisted local institutions in Kunming with training programs, supervised college students and encouraged teachers and volunteers who focused on environmental issues to train people with the motivation to protect the environment.


Motherhood was another turning point of Wang’s life. When she realized that urban life was preventing children from experiencing nature, the phrase “nature-deficit disorder” attracted her attention, and the idea of creating an ideal model for a nature-focused education started to germinate in her mind.


In America, Wang discovered that environmentalism was mostly taught outdoors — “learning on the ground.” Thus, after a few attempts at setting up a nature education support group with a handful of parents, she established a nature education institution called Zaidi (or the “Yunnan Zaidi Nature Education Center” in full) in Kunming. This name, which means “on the ground” in Chinese, has three levels of connotation: “a local institution,” “close ties with the earth” and “the spirit of being down-to-earth.”



Bringing Children Back to Nature

Wang Zengqi, famous as a contemporary Chinese writer, once described the rainy season in Kunming as abounding with wild vegetables: “During the rainy season, all kinds of mushrooms sprout from the soil, their fragrance filling the air.”


In Gulu Forest Kindergarten about 30 miles from the central area of Kunming, children, led by Jasmine and Leopard Cat, look for the “little houses” depicted in fairy tales after a rain in the forest. A mushroom “house” with rising vapor attracts everyone’s attention. Jasmine pokes the surface of the mushroom while explaining that the vapors are its babies, called spores, and that they can develop into new mushrooms after the rain. The children then reach with their little hands in curiosity to feel the magical birth of these mushroom babies.



Jasmine, a tutor of Gulu Forest Kindergarten, is introducing the fresh-cut mushrooms to children. By Shi Yang


The children’s exclamations can be heard, one after another, in the forest: “Here’s a bunch of potato mushrooms.” “The mushrooms smell like feet.” “They smell like chocolate bread.”


Their spot on Daqing Mountain is on the left side of “Sleeping Beauty.” Gulu Forest Kindergarten is located at the foot of the mountain. As one of the three major nature bases of Zaidi, the kindergarten specifically targets young children. Jasmine and Leopard Cat are both nature “tutors” at Zaidi. Indeed, they are the founders of the kindergarten. “Gulu” in Chinese is onomatopoeia for the sound of one’s stomach rumbling. Likewise, the children are told that they can lose themselves completely in the pleasures of the kindergarten.



Jasmine is telling the story of “Mushroom Forest” to children by shadow plays. By Gu Tingting


In line with the rhythms of nature, the kindergarten enriches the children’s experiences of nature with various community activities including “natural observation,” “living in nature,” “natural creation” and “hiking in the forest.” Around the time of the “insect awakening,” the kids observe insects. And during the “little summer,” they observe lotus flowers. In addition, on the Qingming Festival, they plant beans. As the seasons change, the children, immersed in their interactions with nature, experience joy, make friends and find comfort.



Feel the changes of seasons in the vegetable garden of Gulu Forest Kindergarten. By Liu Ju


At another nature education base — Shicheng Nature School, which is located in Haikou Town, Kunming — Wang and her team of tutors plan a series of wonderful summer holiday activities, such as experiencing and practicing an environmentally friendly life through washing dishes with tea seed powder, building ecological pit latrines and separating garbage into groups. They spend ten days in the mountains and cultivate confidence and growth while hiking, pitching tents, making cooking fires and engaging in physical exercise. Then, they head toward Shangri-La, where the children can experience the lifestyle and culture of villages with histories of over 300 years. There, they perform shadow plays in return for the Tibetan villagers’ care. Life here might seem “tiresome,” but this enhances the children’s awareness of environmental protection throughout the enjoyable process of learning of how to live in harmony with nature.



Insect Hotel for insects made by Shicheng Nature School. By an interviewee


Also, Zaidi offers six courses, including “Learning from Nature,” “Animal Observation” and “Walking into the Wild.” It has held hands-on, inquiry-based learning activities with elementary and secondary schools, and it has also endeavored to contribute to rural revitalization through education about nature. So far, a rough estimate of over 50,000 children have been influenced by Zaidi. When they are allowed to play, think and create undisturbed, they form close bonds with nature.



Observe the nature with children. By Gu Tingting


Wang enjoys many titles, such as chairman of the China Nature Education Capacity Building Committee, director of the China Nature Education Forum and head of Zaidi Nature Education Center. But she rarely mentions her titles and prefers to be called Ant, her “nature name.” At Zaidi, everyone calls each other by their nature names, such as Leopard Cat, Jasmine, Pepper and Caryota. The children are also required to choose nature name to get closer to nature.



Changes Happen Quietly

Whether it was in America, where Wang pursued further education, or in Kunming, where Wang founded Zaidi, many parents rejected the idea of nature-focused education in the beginning. They questioned the necessity of children playing in nature and whether Wang’s tutors deserved to be paid for this so-called nature education.


Faced with this challenge, Wang could always draw on Liang Congjie for encouragement, as he would insist on giving his lecture about environmental protection, even if there was only one member in the audience.


Children change quietly.



The children are learning to make fires and cook.By an interviewee


At Shicheng Nature School, a child spent the whole afternoon sawing wood only to look up at her instructor and asked, “Now since we have advanced science and technology, why should we bother to do woodwork?” Later, after she had made a wooden box that satisfied her, she wrote in her camp diary: “I think doing woodwork isn’t easy. It requires patience and persistence. I’ve grown fond of it.”



Rock Climbing organized by Shicheng Nature School. By an interviewee


When children first come to Gulu Forest Kindergarten, they are afraid to get dirty and do not know the right way to climb a mountain. Nature is strange to them. But after coming back several times, they not only learn how to build a slide in the forest but also discover what kinds of plants can be used to treat mosquito bites. Leopard Cat encourages the children: “Just have fun. If you go back covered in mud, treat that as a gift from nature!”



Explore the nature in the mud. By Liu Ju


These firsthand experiences pull children — who typically spend less time outdoors — back into nature, helping them reconnect with the earth they live on by liberating their senses. Wang compares children to trees, whose behaviors are akin to the visible parts above ground, whereas their emotions and thoughts are like roots. Which is more real? People who have observed trees know that both parts are indispensable to their survival. Nature-focused education is precisely about the roots.



The students are going hiking in the forest. By an interviewee


There have also been quiet changes to the social climate. Wang has gotten a real sense of people’s deepening understanding of the environment. As the UN Biodiversity Conference is around the corner in Kunming, an increasing number of schools have proposed cooperating with her on nature education programs, and many parents have even made requests for biodiversity-related courses.


As a native of Kunming, Wang thinks that the city has a competitive advantage in the promotion of nature-focused education. First, it enjoys an abundance of biodiversity: its mountains, lakes and wetlands play an essential role in nature-focused education. Second, the city is developing in close connection with nature, and its inhabitants are inclined to live by water, with their daily lives characterized by the dozens of rivers that nurture Dian Lake. Finally, Kunming embraces nature, which is manifested in its diverse ethnic cultures. Each culture can be traced back to the mutual adaptation of humans and nature, and this is a valuable advantage for the creation of nature-focused education.


“Whether the COP15 (the 15th Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity) is held or not, biodiversity plays a crucial part in our lives.” Wang expresses hope that through the conference, the people of Kunming will not only get to know more about biodiversity but will also think more about its profound meaning and relationship with cities.


“When she talks about children, you can feel how much she loves them. But when it comes to environmental issues, she is clearly distressed!” This comment comes from an audience member attending one of Wang’s lectures. Indeed, this characterization is the imprint left on Wang by the career for which she has devoted half her life and for which she continues to steadfastly pursue.






