
Security researcher who discovered worm that could have bigger impact than WannaCry says the author seems to have given up.安全研究员发现了一种本可以比勒索病毒影响更大的蠕虫病毒,但他表示这种病毒的开发者似乎认输了。

The EternalRocks worm attracts intense media attention because of fears that, once [w=weaponise]weaponised, it could have a much greater impact than the WannaCry ransomware attacks.永恒之石病毒引起了媒体的密切关注,因为大家担心,一旦这种病毒被武器化,与勒索病毒发动时所产生的影响相比,这种病毒的影响可能要大的多。

Some security [w=commentator]commentators have said EternalRocks appears to be designed to establish a launchpad for future attacks using the NSA exploits.一些安全评论员表示,策划永恒之石似乎是为了建造一个发射台,以便未来用美国国家安全局的网络武器进行攻击。

The worm caused a stir in the wake of WannaCry because it uses seven of the exploits and attack tools developed by the NSA and leaked by the Shadow Brokers hacking group, including the two used by WannaCry.紧随勒索病毒而来的这种蠕虫病毒引起了巨大的骚动,因为它使用了由黑客组织“影子经纪人”所泄漏的、美国国家安全局开发的7种网络武器和攻击工具,其中有两种还被勒索病毒使用过。

EternalRocks was discovered and named by Miroslav Stampar, a security researcher and member of the Croatian government’s computer emergency response team (Cert), who captured a sample of the worm in a Windows 7 honeypot he runs.永恒之石是由米罗斯拉夫·斯丹姆帕发现并命名的,他是一名安全研究员,也是克罗地亚政府计算机紧急情况处理小组的成员,他在自己运行的Windows7诱捕系统中捕获了这种病毒的一个样本。

Stampar also reports that the code of EternalRocks has been updated so that it no longer downloads the Shadow Brokers exploit pack, but a dummy executable file instead.斯丹姆帕还指出,永恒之石的代码已被更新,所以不再下载影子经纪人泄漏的网络武器工具包,而是下载一个虚拟的可执行文件。

“Well, it seems that I captured author’s worm in testing phase. It had great potential, though,” Stamper said. “Anyway, I suppose that he got scared because of all this fuzz and just dropped everything before being blamed for even something he didn’t do.”“好吧,似乎我捕获了这名开发者还在测试阶段的病毒,虽然这个病毒有很大的潜力,”斯丹姆帕说道。“不过,我认为因为这场混乱,他害怕了,即使他什么都没做,他还是在大家指责他之前把一切都放弃了。”


