英语口语话题Topic训练:圣诞节是Holiday 还是festival


我们都会说Merry Christmas,我们也说Spring Festival,但是,Christmas是一个holiday还是一个festival呢?

我们可以说Christmas is both a holiday and a festival.


1 .Holiday

When we say a holiday, we usually mean a public holiday(公共假日). We mean it is a time of rest at home. We don't go to work, we don't go to school. So:

Saturday is a holiday. Sunday is a holiday

这是holiday(public holiday)的最好例子。

从a rest at home角度,我们可以说Christmas is also a holiday.Right?

2. Festival.

When we say festival, we also mean a time of rest at home. No work.No school classes.

从这个角度看,Christmas is a festival,too.

