




When you are in hot water you are in deep trouble.


“in hot water ”使用这种表达已有500多年的历史了,其含义来自向攻击城堡的敌人扔开水的习俗。

同意或者近义的表达有:bind or jam or -- predicament.

但是在用这个表达的时候需要谨慎,因为“be in hot water”是因为我们做错事情了。

而 bind, jam, predicament 则表示这不是我们的责任,可能是超出我们控制范围的事情。

For example, I could say that I’m in a bind at work. My boss wants me to work on Saturday but I’ve already made plans. I’m in a difficult situation, but I didn’t do anything wrong.

例如,老板让我周六加班,但是我在得知这个消息之前已经有别的计划了。我们可以说“ I’m in a bind at work ”我可以说我忙于工作,但是我们没有做错事情。

Or maybe your friend found himself in a jam while traveling. He was stranded in a foreign country after someone stole his wallet and passport.

或者一个朋友在旅行时发现自己陷入了困境。 在有人偷走了他的钱包和护照后,他被困在外国。

Being in hot water is almost the same as being in deep water.

在这种情况下,“in deep water”代表这个问题你解决不了,超出能力范围了。例如 You can be in deep water, if you invest in stocks without knowing anything about the stock market. 如果你对股票市场一无所知,就投资股票,那会陷入大麻烦。

还有人会说货 troubled waters. 但是这些一般是在歌曲或者诗歌中使用。


A: Sally was already in hot water because of a big report she messed up. (Sally 最近搞砸一份大报告,她最近有大麻烦了。)

B: You know, now that you mention it … Sally is the type of person who is always getting herself out of some kind of jam. Sometimes it’s her fault. Sometimes it’s not. But it’s still a jam.(既然你提到了,你知道的,Sally是那种总是使自己摆脱困境的人。 有时候是她的错 有时候不是。 但这仍然是一个难题。)

A: If she loses her job she might find herself in really deep water.



A: Well, she told me that she just bought a new apartment and her money is very tight right now.(因为她告诉我她刚买了一个新公寓,手头很紧)

B: Money troubles are the worst! That’s why I always try to have a little extra in the bank. Hopefully that means I won’t find myself in a bind over money.(缺钱是最糟糕的,这就是我为啥会在银行多存一点钱的原因。希望我不会有缺钱的麻烦。)

Words in This Story

bind – n. a difficult situation 困境

jam – n. a difficult situation or state of affairs 困境

predicament – n. a difficult or unpleasant situation 窘况

fault – n. responsibility for a problem, mistake, bad situation, etc.错误,失误

stranded – v. to leave in a strange or an unfavorable place especially without funds or means to depart 陷于困境的

troubled waters – idiomatic expression a difficult or confusing situation 惯用语表达困难或困惑的情况

tight – adj. relatively difficult to obtain money is tight just now 紧的
