许多人都认为,SOS是3个英文词的缩写:Save Our Couls、Save Our Ship或Suving Of Souls。但其实,SOS的原制定者本没有这些意思。1906年,第二届国际无线电会议上,有提议将SOS作为遇难信号,因为它在摩斯电码中是“???——-???”,简短、准确、连续而有节奏,易于拍发和阅读,也很易懂。这一提议获得通过,但实际运用中尚未普及。一直到1912年泰坦尼克号沉船事件之后,SOS才得到广泛使用。Many people believe that SOS is the abbreviation for Save Our Couls, Save Our Ship or Suving Of Souls. However, in fact, the creator of SOS didn’t mean that. In 1906, at the Second International Radio Telegraphic Conference, it was proposed that SOS should be used as a distress signal, because it represented “???——-???” in Morse code. It is short, accurate, continuous, and rhythmic. It’s easy to send and read and easy to understand. This proposal was adopted, but it has not been widely used until the sinking of the Titanic in 1912.

