1.答非所问:give an irrelevant answer
2.答谢宴会:return banquet
3.达官贵人:high officials and noble lords; VIPS
4.打抱不平:take up the cudgels for the injured party; defend sb against in injustice
5.打草惊蛇:beat the grass and startle the snake- act rashly and alert the enemy
6.打成一片:become one with; identify oneself with; merge with
7.打出水平,打出风格:be at one’s best in skill and style of play
8.打打闹闹:have boisterous fun; horseplay
9.打得火热:be very thick with each other; be as thick as thieves
10.打躬作揖:bow and raise one’s clasped hands in salute; fold the hands and make deep bow; bow and scrap
11.打击报复:make vindictive attacks on sb
12.打家劫舍:loot; plunder
13.打开天窗说亮话:frankly speaking; let’s not mince matters; Let’s be frank and put our cards on the table.
14.打落水狗:beat a drowning dog-completely crush a defeated enemy
15.打马虎眼:pretend to be ignorant of sth; act dumb
16.打破僵局:break the deadlock
17.打破砂锅问到底:insist on getting to the bottom of the matter
18.打情骂俏:fool around and banter in flirtation
19.打入冷宫:banish to the cold palace-consign to limbo; put on the back shelf
20.打入十八层地狱:banish to the lowest depths of hell-condemn to eternal damnation
21.打水漂儿:paly ducks and drakes
22.打退堂鼓:retreat; withdraw
23.打预防针:have a prevention injection-take precaution against sth; caution against
24.打肿脸充胖子:slap one’s fact until it’s swollen in an effort to look imposing-puff oneself up to one’s own cost