
陈石英 国画 《多福》

1.immaturity n.心智不成熟

Teenagers sometimes fail to make accurate judgments due to their immaturity.


2.prison cell 牢房

Living in the prison cell with narrow space and unfriendly environment for a long time, criminals will possibly suffer from severe psychological issues, making them more anti-social.


3.put sb. into the prison/jail把...投进监狱

Some people are in favor of putting those convicts of either major or minor crimes into the prison/jail in case they reoffend.


4.imprison/incarcerate someone 监禁

It is undeniable that imprisoning/incarcerating those who violate the laws can contribute to maintaining social security and stability.


5.imprisonment 关押

Imprisonment of lawbreakers that deprives them of their freedom would possibly offer them an opportunity to reflect on their behaviors.


6.rehabilitate 改造

By sending the criminals to prison, they will not only be punished by deprivation of freedom but can be rehabilitated for their future life after the sentence term.


7.reform/rehabilitate criminals 改造罪犯

One of the major functions of imprisonment is to reform/rehabilitate criminals so that they can live a normal life after they finish their sentence.


8.law enforcement agencies 执法部门

Law enforcement agencies should enhance supervision over those who have served their sentence to prevent them from committing crimes again.



万安作品 牡丹第一人

9.heinous crimes/felony 重罪

It is extremely necessary to sentence the convicts of heinous crimes/felony a longer prison term through which they can be fully rehabilitated and re-educated.


10. petty crime/ misdemeanour (BrE)轻罪

Petty crime/misdemeanour offenders should be separated from those felony convicts to avoid cases where the former one is encouraged to take revenge after communicating with the latter.


11. a penalty of 2 years' imprisonment 两年监禁处罚

A penalty of two years' imprisonment will possibly have an adverse influence on juvenile culprits, only leading to a worse consequence.


12fe imprisonment 无期徒刑

Provided that those who are sentenced to death behave well, they will have the chance to be commuted to life imprisonment.


13. capital punishment/death penalty 死刑

Some people, which oppose against capital punishment/death penalty, claim that it is immoral and inhuman to do so, but some others believe it is deterrent.


14.probation 缓刑

Only when the criminals behave properly and do not show any intention of re-offending can they be put on probation.


15.potential criminals 潜在罪犯

Imprisonment not only restricts the freedom of criminals, but can deter potential criminals from violating the law, so as to reduce the rate of crimes.



Some juvenile culprits act illegally because their parents are not responsible, leaving them in despair.




17.desperate 绝望的

Some unemployed people were so desperate that they did something that broke the law, such as robbery or theft.


18.the incidence of crime 犯罪率

Although great efforts have been taken by the government to prevent the occurrence of criminal act, the incidence of crime still shows no sign of decreasing.


19.incidence 发生率

The incidence of crimes has been increasing with more and more people becoming unemployed.


20.recidivism 再犯、重犯

There are no measures that can fully ensure recidivism does not occur, but still, solutions like offering criminals training on practical skills can be adopted to reduce it.


21.financial burden 财政负担

The increase in the crime rate has brought heavy financial burden to the government, as more police needs to be employed to tackle with criminal cases.


22.tax revenue 税收

The government should allocate an appropriate amount of tax revenue to enhance the training and education of both adult and juvenile criminals to reduce the possibility of re-offending.


23. penalty 惩罚

No matter how severe the penalty is, it is nearly impossible to completely eliminate crimes.


24.rudimentary 基本的、退化的、发育不完全 (生物上)

Actually the criminals may only receive rudimentary training when they are in the prison, which is far less than enough for them to seek a job after being released.



李泽霖老师 八仙过海

25.fundamental,elementary 基本的

One of the fundamental/elementary reasons why people commit crimes is that they have little knowledge about the law or they simply defy the law.


26. commit a crime 犯罪

A large number of people commit crimes because they are lack of skills that are needed to earn a living.


27.precaution 预防

Precaution needs to be taken before juveniles who show criminal tendency to conduct some illegal activities.


28.offences (BrE) /crimes/criminal acts 罪行

It seems that there is little possibility to completely eliminate offences/crimes/criminal acts even though great measures have been taken to deal with them.



When criminals/offenders/culprits/perpetrators are released from the prison, they usually face many difficulties like not being accepted by other people, or being unable to find a job.


30.accomplice/accessory 从犯

The parents of some youth offenders are, to some extent, their accomplice/accessory because they left their children uneducated.


31.victim 受害者

Some teenagers are the victims of Domestic violence and campus violence, which causes them severe psychological problems.


32. resent society/ hold a grudge against society 憎恨社会

If the criminals, after being released from prison, are not accepted by other people or are rejected in job application due to the criminal records, they will probably resent society/hold a grudge against society.




33.educate criminals 教育罪犯

Therefore, it is of crucial importance to educate criminals in both legal knowledge and practical skills that can prepare them for a normal life after their sentence.


34.lenient 宽容的

It is understandable that the whole society holds prejudices against criminals even after they serve their sentence, but we should be lenient to give them a second chance.


35. first-time offender 初犯的人

It is not uncommon that first-time offenders commit crimes again after they finish their sentence term.


36. hardened criminals/repeat criminals 惯犯

Severe penalty should be imposed to hardened/repeat criminals, and there should also be supervision over them if they are released from the prison.


37. the crime is rampant 作案猖獗

It is often the case that crimes are rampant in poor regions where unemployment rate is high.


38.curb/halt the rampant(adj) crime 遏制猖獗的犯罪

There is actually not much that ordinary people can do to curb/halt the rampant crimes.


39.law-abiding citizens 守法的公民

The government should launch publicity activities and produce TV programs to inform people of the importance of being law-abiding citizens.


40.abide by/ comply with the law 遵守法律

Children should be taught to abide by/comply with the law by both their teachers and parents, otherwise they will probably conduct some illegal activities.



胡记领 《富贵有余》

41.disregard 无视

People who disregard and defy laws will eventually become the victim of their own evil deeds.


42.traumatise someone 给某人造成心理创伤

Domestic violence will definitely traumatize the children, leaving them depressed, timid and anxious.


43. track down/hunt down/ capture 抓捕

Supervision of criminals released from the prison is necessary, so the police can easily track down/hunt down/capture them once they do anything illegal.


44. premeditated crime 有预谋的犯罪

There exists a clear difference between a crime of passion and premeditated crime.


45.criminal tendency 犯罪倾向

Some minors develop a criminal tendency because they imitate what they see on the media, and thus the government should enhance their supervision in this regard and set strict age limitation.


46. combat, fight, tackle, beat, curb 打击(犯罪行为)

The police and the whole society should make joint efforts to combat/fight against /tackle/beat/curb criminal activities to make the society more stable and safe.


47.juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪

Irresponsible parents and misleading information from the media are the major causes of juvenile delinquency.


48.self-control 自控能力

The lack of self-control and the inability to resist temptation are the fundamental causes of minor crimes, which can be solved by enhancing education on those below 18.




49.resist temptation 抵制诱惑

Teenagers are still at an age when they have difficulty resisting temptation, which will easily lead them to some illegal activities.


50.go astray 误入歧途

Influenced by television shows and films that are full of crime scenes, children are likely to go astray if no proper guidance and education is provided.


51.divorce rate 离婚率

An increase in divorce rate is likely to cause a rise in crime rate, especially that of juvenile crime.


52.domestic violence 家庭暴力

A large proportion of the criminals suffered from domestic violence when they were a child, which could be a reason why they conducted crimes later in life.


53.supervise 监督

Parents should supervise their children's behaviors and offer them guidance when they do something wrong.


54.innocent 无辜的

It is reasonable to say that most parents of juvenile criminals are not innocent since people are not born evil.



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55. be flooded with 泛滥

The internet is flooded with violence and bloodiness, which can certainly affect teenagers who are not mature enough or fail to differentiate between the right and wrong.


56.reeducation 再教育

Prisoner reeducation is of crucial importance, through which they can develop a deeper understanding of ethical and legal behaviors.

