今天有小伙伴在我文章下面留言,说到了两个短语,同样是因为两者之间相差一个“the”而造成了意义完全不同。分别是“out of question”和“out of the question”,第一个没有“the”意思是“毫无疑问、无疑的”意思。第二个则是“不可能的”。因为这个很容易让人弄混淆,所以下面小编就继续为大家罗列一下英语中那些有the无the,导致意思大不同的词组。
1、at table & at the table
“at table”意思是“吃饭、进餐”
例句:We found them at table.
“at the table”意思是“在桌子旁边”为地点状语。
例句:They are standing at the table.
2、go to school & go to the school
“go to school”意思是“去上学”
例句:They choose if you go to school or stay home.
“go to the school”意思是“到学校去”
例句:Do you go to the school on Saturday?
3、in charge of & in the charge of
“in charge of”意思是“负责、主管、掌管”
例句:I'm in charge of this school。我掌管这间学校。
“in the charge of”意思是“由...负责,由...掌管”
例句:He is in charge of these building workers. That is, they are in the charge of him.
4、by day & by the day
“by day”意思是“在白天、白日里”,也就是我们通常说的“in the daytime”.
例句:An odd-job man by day, he operates in Kent during the week and in London on weekends.
“by the day”意思是“计日、按日计算”
例句:Billions of threads are being added by the day.
5、by sea & by the sea
“by sea”意思是“由海路,乘船”,也就是我们通常理解的“by water , by boat”。
例句:They say the first Americans may have arrived by sea, rather than by foot.
“by the sea”意思是“在海边,在海岸上”,也就是“at the beach”的意思。
例句:our sister invite you for the weekend to her cottage by the sea.
6、in case of & in the case of
“in case of”意思是“假使、如果、万一”
例句:You can count on me to help in case of difficulty.
若有困难, 当助一臂之力。
“in the case of”意思是“至于,在...情况下”
例句:In the case of two blade chassis, each node group should be specified on each blade.
当然像这种因为相差一个“the”而导致意思大不相同的短语还有很多,比如说“other, the other”、“last week, the last week”、“in front of, in the front of”等等。他们之间都是有区别的,由于篇幅有限,小编就不再一一列举了,大家遇到时注意区分整理,慢慢的就能理解每个短语的意思了。