

What should everyone experience in their lifetime?有哪些事情每个人这辈子都应该体验一次?原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

评论翻译Stale-JelloThe complete silence in a heavy snowfall.大雪时的万籁俱寂。WarLordM123The weird brightness of a snow covered full moon night.满月之下积雪反射出的诡异的明亮夜色。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处NuclearCandyWhen the top layer of snow is fresh and fluffy, and moonlight sparkles off the individual snowflakes like a wave of glitter. The sound of your footsteps crunching quietly beneath you. The quiet ambient swish of snowflakes falling onto the ground and the light pattering of them hitting your jacket. It's a very peaceful feeling when the weather is just right for it.表层的新鲜积雪毛茸茸的,月光照耀在一片片雪花上就像闪光的波浪一样。脚步声在你的脚底安静地嘎吱作响。雪花落在地上,落到你的外套上,发出轻微的声音。当天气正好的时候,这会给你带来非常安静祥和的感受。Fred_ForeskinSeeing one of your parents get so excited about doing something with you that they're almost crying.看见你的父母因为和你一起做某件事情而兴奋到差点哭出来。My dad and I have always gotten along, but we've also bickered a lot since I was a teenager. But last August, he and I took a road trip to New Mexico and went to these really old Native American ruins called Gila Cliffs (I highly recommend everyone go there at some point too. It's amazing!). He and I were walking up the trail, and then we rounded a corner and there they were: these 500 year old Native American ruins built into the cliffside. My dad looked over at me with a smirk on his face and a little water in his eyes and told me "I'm so glad I get to experience this with you." My dad doesn't express a lot of emotion usually, so that was really meaningful to me. I think everyone deserves to have an experience like that with one of their parents. It's so special.我和我爸一直都处的还行,但是从我进入青春期以来我们也吵了不少。去年八月,我和他开车去新墨西哥州,参观了名叫吉拉悬崖的特别古老的印第安原住民遗迹。(我非常推荐你们有空都去看看,景色太棒了!)我和他沿着小路行走,绕过一个拐角之后就看见了:在悬崖上建造的,500年历史的印第安原住民遗址。我父亲看向我,面带微笑,眼睛有点湿润,然后对我说“我真的很开心能和你一起经历这一切。”我父亲平常不会表达很多感情,所以这对我真的意义重大。我觉得每个人都应该和他们的父母经历这样的事情。这太特别了。Infinite_Leg_0110110Your story is very beautiful, it brought some tears to my eyes. I am realising that something so simple will probably never happen to me unfortunately.你的故事很美。让我的眼睛都湿润了。不幸的是,我发现这种如此简单的事情或许这辈子都不会发生在我的身上。dooonyOld growth forests. There is something humbling about seeing for yourself the life cycle of huge ancient trees and the incredible lush and vibrant ecosystems that exist around them as they grow, fall, decompose, and grow again over decades. A week walking across cradle mountain in Tasmania was life changing for me, as it has been for many others.古老的树林。亲眼见证那些巨大的古树的生命周期,以及随着它们几十年来的成长、倒下、分解、再次成长,围绕着这些树木产生的生机勃勃、繁盛到难以置信的生态系统,会让你感到一种谦卑。在塔斯马尼亚摇篮山徒步旅行的一个星期改变了我的人生,也改变了很多其他人的人生。Thorn_The_MaktigI went to Washington state in 2021 and went to Mt. Rainier and Olympic National Parks. Truly an amazing experience. Washington is the first place away from home that I truly felt at home. Gorgeous. Walking through the rainforest in Olympic was crazy. Everything was just bright green. Like the sun itself was bright green.2021年我去了华盛顿州的瑞尼尔山和奥利匹克国家公园。真的是非常难忘的经历。华盛顿州是除了我的家乡之外,第一个让我感到像是回家一样的地方。太美了。在奥利匹克国家公园的雨林中行走很棒。一切都是明亮的绿色。就好像太阳也变成了明亮的绿色一样。I can't wait to go back.我等不及再去一次了。lovechunks3000Helping someone in need.帮助一个需要帮助的人。javawongThis right here.很对。Recently, I went to the grocery store and there was a homeless person at the entrance who had asked for spare change to get some food from the couple in front of me.就在最近,我去逛超市的时候在入口遇见了一个无家可归的人,他当时在向我前面的一对夫妇乞讨零钱,好让他能买点吃的。I wasn't asked by the man because he was busy with the couple. But I didn't forget while I shopped. I picked up one of those fried chicken plates (8 pieces of chicken) and a bottle of water.他没有来问我,因为他在忙着和那对夫妇交谈。但我买东西的时候也没把他给忘了。我买了一份炸鸡(8块鸡肉)和一瓶水。As I walked out, I handed the chicken and water to the man. His eyes lit up and he was clearly gleeful. He thanked me and gave me a hug.在我往外走的时候,我把鸡肉和水递给了那个男人。他的眼睛一下子就有了光芒,看上去特别开心。他感谢了我,并且给了我一个拥抱。As I pulled out of the parking lot, I looked in my rearview and saw him doing a little happy dance! He was so happy for that meal.我从停车场开车离开的时候,从后视镜看见他在开心地跳舞!那顿饭让他太开心了。Now, I'm without a job or really any income so to spare $8 to help this guy out wasn't really in my budget. I have no regrets though. His little dance showed me that he truly was happy that he was able to eat that night.虽然我自己也没有工作和什么收入,给这个兄弟花8美元真的不在我的预算之内,但是我一点也不感到后悔。他的那支舞告诉我他真的为那天晚上能够吃一顿饭感到开心。
