[peppa pig小猪佩奇]台词剧本

第一季 第6话

06.The Playgroup [乔治第一天上幼儿园]

Narrator(Peppa Pig介绍):

I’m Peppa pig.我是佩奇。

This is my little brother, George.这是我的弟弟乔治。

This is Mummy Pig. 这是我的妈妈。

And this is Daddy Pig. 这是我的爸爸。

Narrator: Peppa and George are going to the playgroup.佩奇和乔治要去幼儿园。

It is George's first day. 这是乔治第一次去幼儿园。

Daddy Pig: George, are you looking forward to the playgroup? 乔治你想不想去幼儿园呢?

Peppa Pig: Daddy, maybe George is too small to go to my playgroup? 爸爸乔治会不会年纪太小不适合上幼儿园?

Daddy Pig: He'll be fine, Peppa. 他不会有事的佩奇。

There'll be you and Mr. Dinosaur there to keep him company. 你和恐龙先生会陪在他的身边的。

George: Grrr! Dine-Saw! 恐龙!

Peppa Pig: But I want to play with the big children! 但我想和大小朋友玩儿!

Not George and his toy dinosaur. 不想陪乔治和他的恐龙玩具。

Narrator: Oh dear, Peppa doesn't want George to go to her playgroup. 佩奇不想让乔治去幼儿园。

Daddy Pig: We're here! 我们到了!

Peppa Pig: Daddy, are you sure George is big enough? 爸爸你确定乔治能上幼儿园?

Daddy Pig: He'll be fine. 他不会有事的!

Peppa Pig: Alright, he can come. 那好吧,那就来吧。

Daddy Pig: Bye bye. 再见。

Narrator: Madame Gazelle looks after the children at the playgroup. 羚羊夫人负责照看在幼儿园玩的小朋友。

Peppa Pig: Hello! This is my little brother, George. 你们好!这是我弟弟乔治。

Madame Gazelle: Hello, George. 你好乔治


Suzy:Baa! I wish I had a little brother like George. 我也想有个像乔治一样的弟弟。

Peppa Pig: Really? 真的吗?

Danny Dog: Hello! I'm Danny Dog. 你们好!我是小狗丹尼。

Woof woof! Is that a dinosaur? 汪汪!那个是恐龙吗?

Peppa Pig: It's just a toy dinosaur. 那只是个玩具恐龙。

George: Grrr! Dine-Saw! 恐龙

Danny Dog: Brilliant! Woof woof! 好棒啊!汪汪!

George: Dine-Saw! Grrr!


Children: Aaaaaggghh!

George: Dine-Saw! Grrr!

Madame Gazelle: Aaaah, really scary. 真的很吓人。

Danny Dog: That's Brilliant! 真的太棒了!

Peppa Pig: George is my brother. He's brilliant. 乔治是我弟弟,他真的是很棒

Narrator: Peppa is proud of her little brother, George. 佩奇为他的弟弟感到自豪。

Madame Gazelle: Shall we show George how we paint pictures? 我们让乔治看看大家是怎么画画的?

Peppa Pig: George is not very good at painting. 乔治不是很会画画。

Madame Gazelle: Well, maybe you could help him? 那么也许你能帮帮他?

Peppa Pig: Yes, I'm very good! 是的,我很会画画!

I will show him how to paint a flower. 我会教他如何画小花。

George, today I'm going to teach you how to paint a flower. 乔治我今天要教你怎么样去画一朵小花。

First, you paint a big circle. 首先 画一个大大的圆。

No, George, that's the wrong color. 乔治 不对 颜色不对。

Now you paint the flower's petals. 接着我们来画花瓣。

George! That's the wrong shape! 乔治 形状不对。

Now you paint the stalk and the leaves. 最后我们来画茎和叶子。

Perfect! 完美!

George, you've done it all wrong! 乔治 你全都画错了!

Madame Gazelle: Now what do we have here? 你们画的怎么样了?

Peppa Pig: I've painted a flower. 您看 我画了朵花。

Madame Gazelle: That's very good, Peppa. 佩奇 你画得很棒。

And George has painted a dinosaur. 乔治画了一只恐龙。

George: Grrr... Dine-Saw! 恐龙

Danny Dog: Woof! Brilliant! 好棒哦

Madame Gazelle: I think George and Peppa's pictures should go on the Wall. 乔治和佩奇的画都应该挂在墙上。

Children: Hurray! 好耶!

Madame Gazelle: Peppa, you must be very proud of your little brother. 佩奇你的弟弟一定让你感到很自豪对吗?

Peppa Pig: Yes, I am. 对的没错。

Narrator: It is home time and the children's parents are here to pick them up. 放学了,家长们来接小朋友回家了。

Peppa Pig: Can George come next time? 乔治下次还能来吗?

Madame Gazelle: Yes, and he can paint us another lovely picture. 是的 他还能再为我们画其他可爱的画。

And what will you paint next time, George? 乔治你下次会再画些什么呢?

George: Dine-Saw! Grrr!

Madame Gazelle: Another dinosaur picture? 再画另一张恐龙是吗?

Well maybe you can show us all how to paint a dinosaur? 也许你能教教大家如何画恐龙

Danny Dog: Woof! Brilliant! 汪汪!太棒了!

Peppa Pig: Yes! Brilliant! 对啊 太棒了!

George: Bri-y-ant! 太棒了!



That's brilliant!

[小猪佩奇]视频在这里哦:小猪佩奇 第一季 英文版第06集-番剧-全集-高清正版在线观看-bilibili-哔哩哔哩ic_close_normal


1. Looking forward to

Look是看的意思,forward的是向前,向前看就是期待,盼望的意思,所以looking forward to是期待什么事情,盼望什么事情。爸爸问乔治are you looking forward to the playgroup? 你是不是对上幼儿园很期待啊?playgroup玩耍的组合,就是幼儿园啦。

你有什么期待的事情吗?Are you looking forward to the zoo? 你期待去动物园吗?Are you looking forward to your birthday party? 你期待你的生日会吗?

2. He’ll be fine.

佩奇担心乔治太小了,不能去上她上的幼儿园。但是爸爸说He’ll be fine, Peppa。他会好好的,他没事儿的。

举个例子吧,如果今天你准备不要爸爸妈妈送你去学校,而要自己去上学,爸爸说You are too small to go to school on your own. 你太小了,不能一个人去上学,你就可以对爸爸说,I’ll be fine我没问题的。

3. I wish I had

佩奇把乔治介绍给了幼儿园的朋友们,小羊苏西说I wish I had a little brother like George。我真希望我也能有一个像乔治一样的弟弟。Wish是希望什么,想要什么的意思。我们过生日的时候许的生日愿望就是birthday wish. I wish I had我希望有什么东西。

所以我们现在就会说我希望有一个什么东西了。我希望有一只小狗,I wish I had a little dog。我希望有一个像Suzy Sheep一样的好朋友,I wish I had best friend like Suzy Sheep.你有什么愿望,用I wish I had说出来告诉我吧。

4. Brilliant


佩奇看到大家都在称赞乔治真棒,她也过去抱着乔治说,乔治是我的弟弟,He’s brilliant, 他真棒!以后看到班上的同学有什么地方做得好的,你都可以去对他说Brilliant哦。

5. paint a flower

佩奇要开始教乔治画画了,还记得画什么东西这个单词怎么说吗?对了,是paint。佩奇画的是什么呢?I will show him how to paint a flower. paint a flower画一朵花,原来佩奇要给乔治展示怎么来花一朵花。

6. Paint a big circle

First第一步,circle是圆圈,big circle大圆圈。First, you paint a big circle,第一步,你画一个大圆圈。看到佩奇在纸上画的大圆圈了吗?

7. Paint the flower’s petals

Petals花瓣,flower’s petals, 花朵的花瓣。Now you paint the flower’s petals.现在画上花朵的花瓣。佩奇用黄色的颜料画花瓣。

8. Paint the stalk

Stalk是植物的茎,就是一朵花长长的杆子部分,leaves是叶子。我们平常说的叶子是不是都是leaf呢,因为这里有2片叶子,所以用的是leaf的复数,leaves。Now you paint the stalk and the leaves。现在画上花杆和叶子。佩奇用绿色的颜料画了长长的杆和两片绿色的叶子。

9. Perfect!



George is my brother. He's brilliant!
