第三天 读终极英语单词12000 第二册Level4 部分,计划每天学30个左右,一个月争取读完单词的例句都是从近期英美报刊中节选最新例句,下面我们就来聊聊关于学英语首先要学这1000个英语单词?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!
第三天 读终极英语单词12000 第二册Level4 部分,计划每天学30个左右,一个月争取读完。单词的例句都是从近期英美报刊中节选最新例句。
amaze 使吃惊 使惊愕
He would have been amazed had there not been one.
amuse 消遣 使发笑
We are amused . . . Queen’s one-liner is out of this world
elderly 上了年纪的 年纪较大的
In February, when only the very elderly had been vaccinated, restaurants, gyms, churches, shopping centres and casinos were allowed to reopen.
apologize 道歉 谢罪
“It’s inexcusable,” he said. “First off, I just apologize.
unkind 不友善的 刻薄的
My daughter-in-law is rude, controlling and unkind to me
assert 断言 主张 声称
This would have been at the front of Boris Johnson’s mind on a visit to the northeast last week when he unequivocally asserted that the British steel industry cannot be allowed to fail, especially at this early juncture of Project Brexit.
mistress 女主人 情妇
He recalled how the Venetian courtesan Ancilla, mistress of an English diplomat, died
after tertiary syphilis “ate away her nose and half of her beautiful face”.
messenger 送信者 报信人
No 10 needs a message more than a messenger
assure 使确信 保证
Later in the letter, he told Temerko: “I do not think there is much doubt that the UK government and Ofgem support the project” and “please be assured that our support for the project remains