
skeleton in the cupboard/closet 碗橱里的骨架  引申为:不为人知的家丑,不可外扬的家丑,隐情”

the last straw 压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草,终于使人不堪忍受的最后一件事,终于使人不支的最后一击,导火线;

“have nine lives like a cat”(富有生命力的)

you reap what you sow一分耕耘,一分收获 our small kindnesses often bring us rich rewards, while our small offence can bring disasters.

senior citizens 老年人,年长的人

as easy as pie 十分容易,轻而易举

“meet one’s Waterloo”(一败涂地)

capital punishment 死刑

dog tired非常累

catch-22 第二十二条军规(指让人左右为难的规定或处境)

“rain cats and dogs”(倾盆大雨)

Don't count your chickens before/until they are hatched.

鸡蛋未孵出,先别数小鸡。 寓意:别高兴太早了。

Pandora’s Box 潘多拉魔盒(邪恶之源)、

see the handwriting on the wall –see signs that disaster is coming

Achilles’ heel 阿基里斯的脚踵(致命弱点)、

the apple of somebody’s eye—a child who is loved very much by his or her parents.


