注:乡村音乐(country music)是一种具有美国民族特色的流行音乐,于20世纪20年代兴起于美国南部,其根源来自英国民谣,是美国白人民族音乐代表。乡村音乐的特点是曲调简单,节奏平稳,带有叙事性,具有较浓的乡土气息,亲切热情而不失流行元素。多为歌谣体、二部曲式或三部曲式。


Various Countries




It is no secret that over the past couple decades country music has struggled with its identity far more than any other genre in the industry. At this point nobody can really claim to be a country music fan without being questioned what kind of country fan? The answers being seemingly endless,I've broken them down into a few main categories.

流行乡村音乐Pop Country





This category could really be referred to as“Nashville

Country.” It hosts probably about 90% of the country music out there. I often find people not wanting to admit in conversation that they’re fans of this category. They like to talk about how they love Willie Nelson and mouth the words to Merle Haggard songs even though it’s obvious their faking it. Then they get alone in their cars and unwind by driving down the highway,blasting Shania Twain on the radio, and singing along at the top of their lungs. Let me just say,there’s nothing wrong with that, like what you like. Nashville record labels pick very talented,often attractive singers that perform with some great bands. They also have some of the top song writers and composers in the industry working for them.


Rebel/Rock Country




Very liberal people are who you tend to find in this category. These artists just do whatever they feel like doing, and as a result there are not many of them, or at least not many of them that popular after their initial shock value wears off. They are usually independent and like letting it hang out. A good example currently in the limelight is Gretchen Wilson. Others that haven't reached her popularity level, but have been around for a while include Ray Wylie Hubbard an Todd Snider.

Sometimes the guys in this category derive quite a bit of their rebelness from incorporating rock into their music. Good examples of this are Robert Earl Keen and James McMurtry.

得克萨斯乡村音乐Texas Country



This category has developed into somewhat of a music cult, and it stretches all over the Unite States. Its popularity started off with the likes of Willie Nelson, Jerry Jeff Walker, and Gary P Nunn. What really sent it off in recent years was the popularity of Robert Earl

Keen,Cory Morrow Pat Green, and Jack Ingram. It plays extremely well in frat houses across the Lone Star State. While the guys mentioned earlier have taken off in a different direction, new artists like Max Stalling,Mar David Manders, and Ed Burleson have started to take their place. If you ever watch this development, it’s easy to see that the Texas music industry is growing so fast that it will probably soon be just as big as Nashville's.


Old Country

如果你能唱出威利·纳尔逊、乔治·琼斯、约翰尼·卡什几首作品的歌词,那么你就是经典乡村音乐的入门粉丝了; 如果你能跟着佩茜·克莱恩、查理·里奇、汉克·威廉姆斯的唱片一起唱,那么你就算是经典乡村音乐铁粉;如果你整晚都能低声吟唱鲍勃·威尔斯的歌曲,让我薄酒幸会知音:你有资格入行经典乡村音乐。不幸的是,很多人都觉得经典乡村音乐着实乏味。

也许你像我一样,有自己最喜爱的乡村音乐类型,同时也会对其他类型的乡村音乐兴趣不减。 事实上目前没有任何一种方法能将乡村音乐进行明确地分类。由于乡村音乐本身在不断发展变化,有可能永远不易分门别类了。

If you can sing the words to three or more Willie Nelson, George Jones, and Johnny Cash songe please come in. If you can sing along to Patsy Cline,Charlie Rich, and Hank Williams please take a seat. If you can croon all night with Bob Wills please let me get you a beer, I'm glad we met. Welcome to the old country category. Sadly a lot of people find it boring here.

lf you're like me, you probably have your favorite category and then like some things out of each one. Theres not really any one way to define country music, and with it being an ever- changing industry there probably never will be.


