

Words of Wisdom

农历四月初八,是释迦牟尼佛诞辰日。释迦牟尼佛是古印度迦毗罗卫国(今尼泊尔境内)王子。降生时一手指天、一手指地,大地为之震动。现世界各国各民族的佛教徒常以浴佛等方式纪念佛祖诞辰。The eighth day of the fourth lunar month is the birthday of Shakyamuni Buddha. Shakyamuni Buddha was a prince of Kapilavastu in ancient India (modern-day Nepal). The earth trembled at the birth of the Buddha, who pointed up to the sky with one finger and down to the earth with another finger. Nowadays Buddhist devotees from all over the world celebrate the Buddha's birthday through rituals such as bathing the statues of him.


Shakyamuni Buddha was an enlightened sage who attained a sublime understanding of the universe. He was endowed with merit, virtue, wisdom, compassion, and perfection. His birth coincided with many miracles and auspicious signs. According to classical records, when Shakyamuni Buddha was born, the deaf regained hearing; the blind restored their sights; the dumb began to speak; the hunchback stood tall; the cripples walked ably; the prisoners were set free, and the vicious beasts no longer attacked people. Summarily, his birth was marked by many auspicious occurrences that did not accompany the arrivals of ordinary people.



Despite being born as a royal prince, Shakyamuni Buddha had no intention to inherit the throne. On the contrary, he wanted to leave home and live a monastic life to find relief from life's suffering. It was only because of his effort in spreading Buddhism throughout the ages that we now have the opportunity to come to the monastery today to study the Dharma.

他为什么能够发这种心,能够去修行、成佛?释迦牟尼佛在未出家时,曾经经历了人们常常看到的景象 —— 老、病、死。他看到老人眼睛花了、牙齿掉了、耳朵听不清楚、满脸都是皱纹等,内心就很难过、很悲哀、很痛苦。有一回,他出城门的时候,看到一个病人,奄奄一息,痛苦不已,便大发慈悲心,感受到痛苦,犹如自己生病一样。又有一回,佛陀出城门的时侯,看到一个死人,死亡的那种景象、那种苦楚,实在难以言状。又有一回,释迦牟尼佛见到一个修道人,威仪具足、仪表不凡。这些景象逐步让释迦牟尼佛感到,人的身体总是免不了衰老、病痛、死亡,这些痛苦时时刻刻跟我们联系在一起,逃避不掉。

What drove the Buddha to develop such resolve, to strive for cultivation, and to aspire for Buddhahood? Before Shakyamuni Buddha renounced his secular life, he witnessed conditions commonly affecting people-old age, sickness, and death. On one occasion, he felt sad when he saw an old man with a wrinkled face losing his sight, his teeth, and his hearing. On another occasion, he was outside the city gate and saw a sick man dying in pain. Driven by empathy, he felt as if he was sick and in pain. Yet on a third occasion, he saw a corpse outside the city gate and found the agony surrounding death indescribable. Then on a separate instance, he saw a monk who behaved with great dignity and possessed a commanding presence. From these different sightings, Shakyamuni Buddha realized that it was inevitable for a human body to experience aging, sickness, and death and that there was no escape from suffering that lurks around us.



Humans are destined to die. What happens after death? Where do we go? Do we still exist afterwards? Can we live in a state of neither life nor death? Can we enter a new life that is better than our current one? Can we obtain more joy, more happiness, and more perfection? Shakyamuni Buddha agonized over these questions. Eventually, he resolved to leave home to become a monk, and after living as an ascetic for six years, he attained enlightenment and acquired the sublime knowledge of the Ultimate Truth.


Source: Understanding Life, by Ven. Master Xuecheng


Translated by: Beijing Longquan Monastery Translation Center


