UltimaGabeAs a person who works nights, stores and restaurants that are open late. I used to be able to get out of work at whatever hour and have a dozen different grocery stores and fast food restaurants I could stop at on the way home, and now two years after the pandemic I have only one or two, and sometimes they'll be closed anyway for whatever reason.



eggshitterNot being able to book things long in advance because you have no idea what the situation will be like in a handful of months


You can sure as hell buy the tickets for a gig that’s happening months from now but is it actually gonna happen when it’s supposed to? Who tf knows


PMYOURBOOBOVERFLOWStores being open late.


CarpeNowI guess I miss not having a stack of inconveniences that have to be dealt with in order to do public things. It's not that any one inconvenience is too much, but it's just so many little things.


theneenReally living. This feels like just existing. I'm stuck with this overwhelming feeling of ennui. Bored with food, bored with TV, bored with social media, bored with books...


elcamarongrandeI had been going through a series of rough years from 2015-2019 (heroin addiction, arrests, unemployment, death of a sibling) and was just starting to turn the corner as we entered 2020. I had finally gotten clean and was nearly done with probation. But I felt like I was simply existing, just as you said, and it was really starting to wear me down. I remember New Year's Eve going into 2020, standing on my porch and I finally began to look forward to the future, to better things and happier days. I felt motivated and optimistic, something I hadn't felt in years! And just as I began putting the pieces together for my "revival", the pandemic hit full stride and absolutely shut down the world.



Since then I've basically gone the opposite direction on the path I had planned out that New Year's night. Weight gain, mental health issues, isolation from friends that I had just barely begun to reconnect with. It feels like the universe noticed I was finally getting my shit together and decided to take a fat dump all over everything.


Fast forward two years and my life has become the epitome of 'stagnation': I'm in a dead-end job, I have zero social interaction outside of work or my parents (who are really starting to show their age, but that's a whole other issue), and I'm exhausted all the fucking time. While not constant, my depressive episodes have come back with a vengeance, and my apathy towards everything has increased ten-fold. I'd be lying if I said I haven't been daydreaming about ending it all. And I know they say suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, but it's hard to ignore these thoughts when they almost feel like the highlight of your day.


Luckily I have stayed clean from heroin this whole time, but that is the only bright spot in a sea of darkness. Sometimes I shock myself when I remember the pandemic has been raging for 2 years! This whole chunk of time has blended together into a featureless grey amorphous blob of Suck. Every day is exactly the fucking same, and I'm so tired of it.


Sorry for the rant, this one really got away from me. I just needed to get that out of my system. For what it's worth, just know that you're not alone in how you feel. Will things get better? Hopefully. But until then we can continue existing, putting one foot in front of the other. Hell, we've had enough practice doing this lately I'm sure we can last a bit longer!



Ramen8ionI feel the same, a Stagnant feeling.


OptimalPaddyStagnant is the perfect word


Branum8520I'm currently in first year of college. I hope next year I'll finally have some classes in the actual college instead of my bedroom


ArihanKI'm in my last year in my bachelor's program (undergraduate?) and I'd switched colleges right before the pandemic hit, so not only have I removed myself from a wonderful group of people in my previous college, whom I'd gotten close to, I've also spent the greatest part of my degree with people I've only ever talked to online, except a couple that I did meet once. Talk about bad decisions


lexiskhMovies in the theater and convention season, an all virtual social life is sucking.



FranksFandomsDepending on where you lived, theaters were open the whole time, but nobody was going. I have a friend who actually went MORE during the pandemic because he was literally the only person in the theater for close to a year


stoatfoxbadgermy sister. Not seen her in person since the start as she works abroad. Sure we video chat, but 2 years is a long time to not see someone in person.


PercivalSquatYeah this is probably it for me as well, I’m the one overseas and I haven’t seen my family in 2 and a half years and it will be at least 3 before I am able. I’ve missed deaths, births, weddings and so many holidays and get togethers. At this point I have begun to feel so disconnected from their lives that it’s stressful thinking about trying to catch up and to be honest I am pulling away from them and becoming numb to it.


anktaylor85sxHonestly, just the feeling of security we didn’t realize. You want to go out?, go for it, making plans somewhere out of town?, you go right ahead, planning a vacation somewhere?, no problem.


Now you can’t really make any large scale plans without the decent chance it’ll get cancelled and you lose the down payments.


hoppedupsparrowI finally gave up and got a refund after a music festival I had tickets to was postponed 4 times..ke I get why, but there's only so much you can take


httpsjulA normal university experience. Where I live many universities have been mostly virtual since March 2020, so the community and social aspects of university has been almost entirely absent


ProfessorSuccAnd the fact that we’re still paying full price for zero amenities and bullshit classes (some of which don’t even meet) is straight highway robbery


EVE_OnIineExactly you'd think they'd at least half the tuition or not charge facilities fees but good lord they're seriously out here charging $65k a year for fucking Zoom classes.


wingspanttI think if I had to be all virtual I'd have to transfer to a cheaper school, damn


Also want teenagers here to know, if you are not already rich (as in your family can burn a quarter million dollars), taking out a quarter million dollars in loans is... well it's exactly what it sounds like.



I had a close friend in high school. We were basically the same class rank. We had similar skill sets, same major. We ultimately ended up getting similar jobs and making a similar salary.


Except I took the nearly full ride to a state school and she went for her dream school that costs $70k a year, no assistance.


So now it's like 15, 20 years later. Our lives are similar except one of us owes nearly three hundred thousand fucking dollars. Even with a plush job that takes years to pay off, not counting interest. And even if you pay it off, what did you really pay for? So some already rich school can give their football coach a slightly higher salary next year? OK.


Like ask yourself, non rich people: would you rather have a shiny piece of paper, or a slightly less shiny paper and a new house? A slightly less shiny paper and THIRTY vacations to countries around the world, enough for a lifetime? A slightly less shiny paper and the financial freedom to move anywhere with anyone at any time?


Debt isn't just a number. It will crush you and your freedom and even your silly daily wants. 300k can be "buy every funt gadget, event ticket, or clothing I want for decades" or it can be "money I owe a bank forever."


Rich kids: Do whatever you want I guess. You're probably used to it!


DrunkStepmotherPaying for the name essentially.


AshrxvenSame. I can’t believe I’m beginning my senior year this fall without having gone back to campus since March 2020, my freshman year.


LostarchitortureMy grandparents


ipauzedMy dad


ItsSnowingAgainI’m so very sorry. I miss my son. His psychiatrist, therapist and support groups were unavailable to him because of Covid. He died by suicide last year. Fuck Covid.


LostarchitortureLoss of a child always holds strong in the emotions of parents. My wife and I lost our first born son suddenly 22 years ago. His was so unexpected, everything fine one day and rapid emotional overload the next.


The initial moment being told he's gone, having to inform family members, having to schedule a funeral and pick out a casket, the whole time going through the anger stage of grief myself by that point saying "this is never supposed to happen this way. He is supposed to attend my funeral one day, not the other way around"



First year is always toughest. First the son's birthday, Mother's Day, Father's Day, your own birthday, Christmas, etc., without your child. As the years pass, each subsequent years' events are easier to face, but the grief is still there.


As someone who has also gone through loss of a son albeit at barely a couple of months old, I unfortunately understand the emotions. It's a devastating group to have to be associated or part of in life, but I get it.


forthentwiceSomeone said to me recently, and I never forget it: someone who has lost their spouse is called a widow or widower; someone who has lost their parents is called an orphan; but there isn't even a word for someone who has lost a child, because it just can't be put into words.


ElaspNot living in a constantly changing system. Pre-covid, everything was scheduled: School holidays, places were open to visit... But since Covid, everything that has to do with the government is constantly changing. I just miss being on stable ground.


AltruismisyourfriendMy optimism for my future.


hsn001In person classes. Before covid, I took a drawing class, a sewing class, etc. Now, it’s so much harder to try out a new hobby


boulomai_matheinThe problem is that in isolation you have more time to try out new hobbies, but you're too exhausted from how upsetting the world is to have the discipline to keep up those hobbies in isolation. I try not to feel guilty about letting myself do nothing for a while if I feel overwhelmed


millymoggymooMy waistline


DomLiteI remember seeing the joke floating around all over the internet of "Now that I've lived through a plague I understand why renaissance paintings are all a bunch of chubby women laying around with their tits out." It's pretty on the nose.



isoo506Being present-minded. "Here and now" sort of mentality.


Last 2 years feels like I've paused things waiting for this pandemic to blow over.... but the more time passes, the more I feel like I'm just wasting away


captvirgilhiltsWorking from home and rarely leaving the house has me losing track of time, find myself having trouble recognizing the date or day of the week.


NotTheSharpestToolM2I miss the fact of just being sick without any other kind of concern.


danholtfromtxpornaccHaving seasonal allergies is a nightmare from a social grace perspective. Sneezing is like firing a blank in a crowd.


QuestioningHuman_apiAs someone with autoimmune issues, I've spent the whole pandemic playing "Is it COVID this time or just my gradual physical decline?"


Its been fun


ethottlyMaking appointments of various kinds (medical, dental, renewing driver's licenses and such, and especially vet appointments) seems like a huge hassle now and sometimes the next free slot is weeks/months out


Useful_Cheesecake673Yep, I’m currently facing this issue. I got COVID recently and had to reschedule an important doctor’s appointment for something far more threatening to my health than COVID. Irony is, my issue wouldn’t be so bad (and as expensive) if I had gone in many months ago… But many services were shut down/limited months ago…


I’ve also noticed a lot of health centers nearby that targeted for low-income people/people without insurance are suspending services due to the recent surge. It’s going to be horrible in the long-term seeing what issues could have been prevented if preventative service appointments would have been possible to make in the first place.



Lonely-Tumbleweed-56My friends


I went from the most socially active person on the planet, to a lonely asshole


Some got engaged and disappeared, lots of them went away for work, others simply disappeared and knowing new people is hard as hell nowadays, these things all happened even before, but pandemic really got them bigger


God only knows how bad I'd go back in time


thequietthingsthatThis. I still talk with my really close friends but I had so many friendships dissipate during the pandemic because we just couldn't really hang out and didn't bother to keep in touch. It sucks. I spend most of my time at home now


F1GUR3I feel this. I had to move during peak COVID for work. Had to have been the worst timing to pack up and move away from best friends and amazing coworkers. I've been at my new job for over a year and a half and it's been really difficult to get to know people with so much telework, social distance, etc etc. I'm somewhat of an extrovert as well so it's been really difficult not having that same level of socialization.


JibinwarAs much as I dislike Walmart. Damn do I miss them and other stores being open late night. All of my night shift friends have suffered and forced to only shop on days off.


thisusernamedI miss not thinking about everything as “pre-covid”. Before the pandemic, I usually just thought of past events as past events. But now, I often find myself labelling everything from 2019 and back as “oh, that was before covid”. It’s sad that the pandemic has gotten to the point where it defines your entire life.


a-c-mooreMedium level friendships.


People I was very close with, I put in the effort to stay close to. The exhaustion of video calls was worth it to keep them in my life consistently.


I let go of a lot of very surface level friendships that I don't really miss. People I saw at work sometimes or hung out with mostly because we knew the same people. They were cool people but we just weren't really part of each other's lives.


But I miss the friendships in the middle. The people I went to college or grad school with that would get together around holidays or for weddings. People I wouldn't see weekly or anything, but would be worth a weekend trip to share an activity. I tried doing video call game nights with them too when this all started, but you can only do so many hours on Zoom in a week before it just isn't any fun even to see friends, and we fell out of touch.



I've been trying to find ways to reconnect in recent months, and it's helped a lot.


KDsmackeroniNot having to talk about the same damn thing all the time.


boulomai_matheinThere's definitely a sense that because people can't just go to all sorts of places anymore, they aren't having as many new and interesting experiences, and they're veritably running out of things to talk about. I feel especially unhappy about this because right before the pandemic started I was just emerging from a long period of social isolation and I was hopeful to start doing things again. So much for that.


Goldfinger888This is a major pet peeve of mine as well. Seeing people is already harder, but when I do see them its not as fun because we met up 2 weeks ago and literally nothing new happened. No trips, no spontaneous ideas, a lot less travels, no unexpected meetups.


I've been dating, and I think over half my dates have had a (near) burnout in the past year.


Last year I met up with a friend and she said "oh yeah I already know everything you want to say, I saw your housemate last week" and she was goddamn right.


purpleowlieLower prices. Housing went up, food as well, prices of petrol, electricity and heating are through the roof.


[dexed]It feels like I am buying groceries at the airport


purpleowlieIf you can't travel cause of covid restrictions we can at least bring airport to you.


arjames13Not only the high prices, but the shortages on random stuff in the super market. When ever I grocery shop, there's always a handful of things that are just out of stock. It was rarely like that before.


ryanmuller1089Not only does everything costs more, there is a huge dip in the product. Whether it’s the quantity, the quality, or the service that comes with it, it all has gone down hill.


EDIT: I’m not referring to supply chain issues here. I’m referring to companies not being able to provide the same services as pre-covid because they can’t or don’t want to/they are trying to recoup their losses.


Customer service has gone to shit, restaurants prices are through the roof and you’re getting less food/smaller portions and again, the quality of the service is way down.


All I mean is you’re paying the same price and getting less one way or another.


Available-Age2884Rest assured that our wages will stay low until the inevitable economic meltdown (:


Beneficial-Medium109more mild depression. i have severe depression now and getting a therapist is bassicaly impossible because everyone has depression. in addition of maybe having other mental problems... id love to have the abbility to get therapy now, instead of in 2 months, and then i go there without being accepted.



AppropriateChip5869Not having the constant anxiety of things like "wallet, keys, phone, where's a damn mask?", wondering if I'm upsetting someone else for standing too close to them in line, feeling guilty about going to see friends , not being able to go to my office to work, not being able to plan international vacations, wondering if my wedding will actually be able to happen, etc. Etc. Etc.


I'm just so fucking burnt out.


robinho988Reading all these comments made me even sadder..


spudzillaThis might sound weird but, going to funerals. I have had several elderly extended family members pass in the last two years. People that raise me, people I loved with all my heart. It would have been nice closure to go say goodbye and comfort and be comforted by family but out of caution, there have been no services. RIP, you incredible aunts, and uncles.


beedubayaEverything. This pandemic ruined every aspect of my life. I miss the person I was before my mental breakdown last year. I miss being able to have friends, to date, and to have at least some kind of optimism about the future. Life is a living hell right now. Every waking moment.


Acceptable_Arm4413Not directly thinking about the worst thing ever when I hear someone cough


EarthCadenceAnd the opposite - not feeling like a criminal when you cough in public!

