
plunge 英 [plʌndʒ] 美 [plʌndʒ] v. 使突然地下落;猛插;骤降;陡峭地向下倾斜;颠簸;跳进;(使)陷入;栽种 n. 突然跌落;(价格、数量等)骤降;投入;跳进;跳水,快速游泳

考点1: vi.突然下降: to descend or dip suddenly

e.g. stock's value plunged股票价值骤然下降

: crash, decline, descend, dip, dive, fall, plummet, plunge, sink, tumble

: skyrocket, soar 飙升

考点2: vt.插入,剌入: to cause to penetrate or enter quickly and forcibly into something

e.g. plunged the dagger into his chest 把匕首剌入他的胸膛

: drive, stab, stick, thrust

: extract 拔出

debase 英 [dɪˈbeɪs] 美 [dɪˈbeɪs] vt. 降低;使…贬值;掺杂

考点1: v.贬低,贬损: to reduce to a lower standing in one's own eyes or in others' eyes

e.g. our failure to win a single game completely debased 我们一场未胜的战绩彻底让我们的形象一落千丈

: abase, debauch, degrade, demean, demoralize, deprave, deteriorate, profane, subvert, vitiate

intermittent 英 [ˌɪntəˈmɪtənt] 美 [ˌɪntərˈmɪtənt] adj. 间歇的;断断续续的;间歇性

考点1: adj.间歇的,断断续续的: coming and going at intervals, not continuous

e.g. intermittent rain in June六月里断断续续的梅雨

conflate 英 [kənˈfleɪt] 美 [kənˈfleɪt] vt. 合并;异文合并

考点1: vt.混合: to turn into a single mass or entity that is more or less the same throughout

e.g. The movie conflates documentary footage and dramatized reenactments so seamlessly and ingeniously that viewers may not know what is real and what is not. 电影将纪实档案和娱乐性的夸张如此巧妙无缝地糅合起来,以至于观众不知道哪一部分是真实的,哪一部分是虚构的。

: amalgamate, combine, composite, fuse, homogenize, immingle, incorporate, integrate, interfuse, meld, merge, mingle, mix

: disunite, divide, part, separate, sunder 分离

: conflation n.合并

skeptic 英 [ˈskeptɪk] 美 [ˈskeptɪk] n. (对一切都)持怀疑态度的人;怀疑论者,不可知论者;无神论者(等于 sceptic)

考点1: n.怀疑者: one who instinctively or habitually doubts, questions, or disagrees with assertions or generally accepted conclusions

e.g. You can either be a skeptic or not, but I believe it anyway.至于你信不信,我反正信了。

: disbeliever, doubter, questioner, unbeliever

: dupe, gull, pigeon容易上当受骗的人

: skeptical adj.持怀疑态度的;skepticism n.怀疑论
