区分other/others/the other/the others/another的四个区分角度:


Others/the others只作代词,不作形容词,不能接名词,其余几个可接名词:other接复数名词,但any other 单数名词,the other可不接名词或接单数名词(表示两者中的另一个),the other接复数名词时表示三者或三者以上其它的。another可不接名词或接单数名词或接数词 复数名词(表示三者或三者以上另一个的)。


1. He is taller than any other student in his class.

2. There are two boys in the classroom, one is Henry ,the other (boy) is Jack.

3. I don’t like this shirt. Would you like to show me another (one)?

4. I need another ten days to finish the project.

5. For one thing I have no time, for another I have no money.

6. There are other ways of doing it.


the other 或the other 单数名词表示两者中另一个,other/others/the others/the other 复数名词都是表示三者或三者以上其它的,another表示三者或三者以上另一个。


1. There are many kinds of robots. Some are like humans, others are like animals.

2. She has an umbrella in one hand and a handbag in the (或her) other hand.

3. He arrived in one car, his wife in another.(总数不止两辆小汽车)

4. If you can’t work it out, please try another way.

5. On the other side of the street, there is a tall tree.



the other/the other 单数名词/another/another 单数名词作主语时,谓语用单数;others/the others/the other 复数名词/another 数词 复数名词作主语时,谓语用复数。


1. Another three young women are coming to the stage.

2. I was tired and so were the others.

3. I have three daughters. One is a doctor, another is a teacher, the other is a nurse.



1. He is more careful than the others.

2. Lei Feng is always ready to help others.

3. There are thirty students in my class. Twelve of them are boys, the others are girls.

4. There are many students on the playground. Some are playing basketball, others are playing football.

5. Here are five apples. You can eat one, the others are for your sisters.


