
1, add up合计

Add up five and six ,you will get eleven 把六和七加起来,你就会得到十一

2, be upset at 对。。。生气

I am upset at your mistake 我对你的错误很生气

3, calm。。。down 使某人平静下来

You must calm yourself down你必须让你自己平静下来

4, be concerned about 对。。。很担心

I am concerned about your health 我对你的健康很担心

5, go through 经历

The city has gone through many wars 这个城市经历了很多战争

6, set down 放下

He set down the big box and rested for a few minutes 他放下了这个大盒子并且休息了几分钟

7,a series of 一系列的

I have seen a series of action movies 我已经看过了一系列的动作电影

7, on purpose 故意

I didn't do it on purpose 我不是故意这样做的

8, in order to 为了

I run fast in order to catch the last bus 我跑快是为了赶上最后一班车

9, at dusk 在黄昏时刻

I like walking my pet at dusk 我喜欢在黄昏时刻遛我的宠物。

10, face to face 面对面

We must talk face to face 我们必须面对面交谈

11, no longer

I will eat junk food no longer 我将不再吃垃圾食物

12, settle down 定居,安下心来

You can settle down in the city ,it's a good place 你可以再这个城市定居下来,这是一个不错的地方

13, suffer from 遭受

He is suffering from a terrible cold 他正在重感冒

14, recover from 取回 ,收回

You can recover your money from him你可以从他的那里取回你的钱。

15, get tired of 对。。。厌烦

He gets tired of his boring homework 他厌烦了他无聊的家庭作业。

16, get along with 与。。。相处

I can get along well with you 我能合你相处很好

17, fall in love with 爱上

I am falling in love with the city 我爱上了这个城市

18, disagree with sb 不同意某人

I disagree with you 我不同意你

19, join in 加入

I joined in the Party at the age of twenty-five 我在二十五岁的时候入党
