英语技巧--The Choice Of Words 词汇选择




Tip: 使用英英词典查阅单词,能更好得辨别单词之间的区别,在使用上也会需要注意区别。



例句 1:

Mr. Caron relied on his gut feeling, or _______, when choosing candidates to mentor. (aptitude/ intuition)

卡伦先生依赖自己的直觉或_____ 来选择导师。

1. aptitude n. 天资,天赋

natural ability or skill at doing something 天生的能力或能做某事的技巧

2. intuition n. 直觉

the ability to know something by using your feelings rather than considering the facts 跟着你的感觉做某事而不思考事实

根据文中所述“relied on his gut feeling or...”or 是“或者”的意思,表明所选的单词应与gut feeling "直觉" 意思相同, 所以选 intuition。

例句 2:

Trucks started to_______ concrete and steels from the original east span of the bridge and transport it to another site. (remove/eradicate)


remove v. 移开;拿走;运送

to take somebody/something away from a place 将某人(物) 从一个地方带走/拿走

eradicate v. 根除;消灭;灭绝

to destroy or get rid of something completely, especially something bad 完全破坏(摧毁) 或丢掉某物,尤其是指坏的东西

这句话意思是把混凝土和钢材都运送"take something away from a place"到另一个地方所以应选择"remove",根除消灭材料不符合句意和常识。

例句 3:

Mr. Clarke resigned amidst______ of money laundering and tax evasion, and he was called before a grand jury shortly thereafter. (allegations/ declarations)


allegation n.指控; (无证据的) 说法

a public statement that is made (without giving proof), accusing somebody of doing something that is wrong or illegal. 指责某人做错事或非法的事的公开声明

declaration n. 公告; 宣告; 宣言

an official or formal statement, especially about the plans of a government or an organization; the act of making such a statement. 正式声明,特别是指政府或某组织公开的声明, 例如《独立宣言》(The Declaration of Independence)

根据句意,克拉克先生因指控而辞职,洗钱和逃税都是指控内容, 所以应填 allegation.

例句 4:

Traffic_____on main thoroughfares during rush hours costs commuters millions of dollars each year by wasting time and fuel and causing higher transportation costs. (interference/ congestion)


interference n. 干涉; 干预; 介入

the act of getting involved in and trying to influence a situation that should not really involve you, in a way that annoys other people 介入某事并试图影响本不应该参与的情况,通常以一种令其他人感到烦恼的方式

congestion n. (交通) 拥塞; 塞车

the state of being crowded and full of traffic 拥挤和交通繁忙的状态

根据句意,"交通堵塞"应该选择 cogestion。

例句 5:

Although it is a common________ that bats are blind, they are actually able to see in varying degrees.

(misconception / misinterpretation)


misconception n. 错误认识; 误解

a mistaken idea or notion 一个错误的想法或观念

misinterpretation n. 错误解释;错误判读

an incorrect understanding or explanation 错误的理解或解释

"bats are blind"这是经常被人误解的一个观念,所以应该选择"misconception"而 "misinterpretation"一般指误解曲解某人(物)。

例句 6:

The tour guide claimed she could not put a price on the______masterpieces at the Château de Versailles.

(costly/ invaluable)


costly adj. 昂贵的

having a high price 价格很贵

invaluable adj. 极其宝贵的(比valuable 语气更重)

very valuable or useful(priceless)极有用的; 极宝贵的(无价的)

这句话应该选择"invaluable"因为凡尔赛宫的那些名作都是无价之宝,金钱是无法准确反映其价值的. "invaluable" 比"costly"情感更强烈及更能反映出此价值之大.

例句 7:

The mayor had been a______ of the Pemberton government for decades, so he was missed when he returned to his law practice. (proponent/ mainstay)


proponent n. 倡导者; 支持者; 拥护者

a person who supports an idea or course of action 支持想法或行动的人

mainstay n. 中流砥柱

a person or thing that is the most important part of something and enables it to exist or be successful. 某事物中最重要的部分并能够存在或取得成功

根据文意,可知这位市长充当着无法替代的角色因为“he was missed” 他一直被想念着并且“of the Pemberton government”表明了市长属于彭博顿政府的一部分,所以应选择“mainstay”更能表达出强烈的情感。

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