




翻译英文的学位证和毕业证时,经常会遇到Vice-chancellor,或者Vice-chancellor and president,小编在第一次接触这个单词时一直以为Vice-chancellor是副校长的意思,而Vice-chancellor and president是副校长兼校长的意思,但是虽然这样翻译了,但是心中不免有疑问,为啥这么多学校的副校长和校长均由一人兼任呢。经小编查询资料发现,原来Vice-chancellor和Vice-chancellor and president均等同于我国的校长,因此翻译的时候也应当直接翻译成“校长”。


A "vice-chancellor" (commonly called a "VC") of a university in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, South Africa, other Commonwealth countries, and some universities in Hong Kong, is the chief executive of the university. In Scotland, Canada, and Ireland, the chief executive of a university is usually called principal or president, with vice-chancellor being an honorific associated with this title, allowing the individual to bestow degrees in absence of the chancellor.

在英格兰、威尔士、北爱尔兰、新西兰、澳大利亚、尼泊尔、印度、孟加拉国、马来西亚、尼日利亚、巴基斯坦、斯里兰卡、南非,其他英联邦国家和地区的大学,以及部分香港大学, “vice-chancellor”(一般简称“VC”)是大学的首席执行官。在苏格兰、加拿大和爱尔兰,大学的首席执行官通常被称为principal或president(均为校长之意),并在principal或president后面加上“vice-chancellor”作为此头衔相关的荣誉,允许该头衔人员在“chancellor”不在时授予学位。



A chancellor is the chairman of a university's governing body; thus, as well as having ceremonial duties, the chancellor participates in the governance of the university (but not its active management).


Strictly speaking, the VC is only a deputy to the chancellor of the university, but the chancellor is usually a prominent public figure who acts as a ceremonial figurehead only (e.g., the chancellor of the University of Cambridge for 36 years was Prince Philip), while the vice-chancellor acts as the day-to-day chief executive. An assistant to a vice-chancellor is called a pro-vice-chancellor or deputy vice-chancellor; these were traditionally academics who were elected to take on additional responsibilities in addition to their regular teaching and research for a limited time, but are now increasingly commonly permanent appointments. In some universities (e.g. in Australian universities: Deakin University, Macquarie University), there are several deputy vice-chancellors subordinate to the vice-chancellor, with pro-vice-chancellor being a position at executive level ranking below deputy vice-chancellor.

严格来说,“vice-chancellor”只是大学“chancellor”的副职,但“chancellor”只是一位有名的公众人物,仅仅是一位仪式性、且有名无实的领导人(例如,菲利普亲王曾担任剑桥大学36年的“chancellor”) ,而日常的首席执行官则由“vice-chancellor”担任。协助“vice-chancellor”的职位被称为“pro-vice-chancellor”或“deputy vice-chancellor”;(译者注:这里的“pro-vice-chancellor”或“deputy vice-chancellor”才是真正的副校长)。“pro-vice-chancellor”或“deputy vice-chancellor”都是传统上的学者,除了在有限的时间内进行定期的教学和研究外,还被选出来担任其他职责,但现在越来越普遍地成为永久任命。 在一些大学中(例如,澳大利亚的大学:迪肯大学,麦考瑞大学),“vice-chancellor”下面会有多个“deputy vice-chancellor”,而“pro-vice-chancellor”在行政级别上的地位低于“deputy vice-chancellor”。



