
Lesson 9 A cold welcome

1、 strike/struck/struck v. 敲,打,撞,n. 罢工

例句:Busmen have decided to go on strike next week.

strict a. 严厉的,严谨的

例句:She is on a very strict diet.

stick/stuck/stuck v. 贴,粘,刺,扎, 卡主n. 枯枝,条状物

例句:He was firmly stuck.


(1)表示具体几点钟前面用介词 at

例句:I always leave home at 8 o’clock.

(2)表示在多长时间之后、具体某年、某月、四季前面用介词 in

例句:I’ll be back in ten minutes.

The Second World War began in 1939 and ended in 1945.

The hotels are often empty in January.

Many tourists come here in summer.

(3)表示星期和具体的日期前面用介词 on

例句:I shall see him on Wednesday.

My brother will arrive from Germany on April 27th.

(4) 其它表示法:


例句:The shop are open from 9 till 5.

during 在……期间

例句:It rained heavily during the night.

until 直到……才……

例句:He will not arrive until 10 o’clock.


We went to the Town Hall on New Year’s Eve. There were a lot of people there. The Town Hall clock would strike twelve in twenty minutes’ time. It stopped at five to twelve. It refused to welcome the New Year. The crowd began to laugh and sing.


This text described that people used to gather under the Town Hall clock on the last day of the year. They were waiting the strike of the clock at twelve o’clock. But it stopped at five to twelve. It refused to welcome the New Year.

I don’t know from what time our country began to welcome in this way to welcome new year. A great many people would like to wait for the striking of twelve. Most of people would go to the center of the city to wait for the coming New Year.

Many years ago, we did not pay attention to the calendar new year. On the day, there were no more celebration. Only the lunar calendar new year, the Spring Festival is the most important to Chinese people.

During the Spring Festival, almost people have holidays except the clerks of shops, restaurants and doctors and nurses and frontier guards etc. People worked in other cities would go back to reunion with their parents and relatives. There were lots of celebration in all of the country. We usually call at the house of relatives and friends or go outside together for drinking.

