一、Mark的用法mark用作名词时,其基本意思有“,记号,污迹,标志,分数,商标”等意思mark既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词Mark用作动词时,其基本意思是“打分,计分,批改;标出,做记号;标志,象征,表现出”, 还有“纪念,庆祝”的意思引申意可作“表示”解具体详述如下:,下面我们就来聊聊关于中学英语词汇总结?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!




mark用作名词时,其基本意思有“,记号,污迹,标志,分数,商标”等意思。mark既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。Mark用作动词时,其基本意思是“打分,计分,批改;标出,做记号;标志,象征,表现出”, 还有“纪念,庆祝”的意思。引申意可作“表示”解。具体详述如下:



如:The children left dirty marks all over the kitchen floor. 孩子们把厨房的地弄得污迹斑斑。Detectives found no marks on the body. 侦探在尸体上没有发现任何痕迹。


What’s the pass mark? 合格分数是多少?I got full marks in the spelling test.我在拼写测验中得了满分。

He did well to get such a good mark. 他干的不错,得了这么高的分。

3.mark 作名词用,还有“符号,标记,商标”之意。

The mark is mine. 标记是我画的。

The trade mark is intangible of asset of every enterprise.商标是企业的一项无形资产。

Please make a mark where you have questions. 请在有疑问的地方做上记号。

You should learn to use the punctuation marks. 你应该学习使用标点符号。



1.mark的基本含义是“在…留下痕迹,作记号,打分数; 标志,表示…的特征”,引申作“表明”解。mark既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词,可用于被动结构;也可接形容词充当宾语补足语;用作不及物动词时,主动形式有时含有被动意义。mark作动词用时,还有“纪念,庆祝”的意思。

例如:The hot cup will mark the table.热杯子会在桌上留下痕迹。

Each stone was marked with a number.每块石头上都标出了号码。

The cross marks the park. 十字形符号表示公园。

The teacher marked all the papers. 老师给所有的试卷都打了分。

The chairman made a speech, which marked the beginning of the meeting. 主席做了发言,这标志着会议的开始。

The rose marks the deep friendship of the two countries. 这玫瑰花是两国深厚友谊的象征。

Long ears mark a rabbit. 长耳朵是兔子的特征。

The teacher marks each student present, absent or late every morning. 每天早晨老师登记每个学生的出勤情况。

The floor marks very easily. 这地板很容易留下污迹。

A golden wedding marks 50 years of marriage. 金婚是结婚50周年的纪念。另外,形容词marked常作定语,意思是“有记号的,显著的,引人注目的;明显的”。如:a marked difference 显著的差别;show marked improvement 显现明显的进步。



she got good marks in English. 她英文得了好成绩。

I gained a mark of 70 in math. 我数学得了70分。

2)make a mark 做记号

You'd better make a mark where you have any questions.你最好在你有疑问的地方作个记号。

3)be marked with 以……为标记

Zebras and tigers are marked with stripes. 斑马和老虎身上有条纹。

4)make one’s mark 出名,成功

She made her mark by winning a championship.她获得了冠军,一举成名。

5)mark A with B;mark B on A 做标记

She marked her handkerchief with her initials. She marked her initials on her handkerchief. 她把名字的首字母绣在了手帕上。

(四)mark, sign , signal, symbol的辨析

sign, signal, symbol, mark这几个词作名词讲的时候都有“符号,标记”的意思


e.g.You mustn't smoke in the room with a “No Smoking” sign.你切勿在有“请勿吸烟”标志的房间里吸烟。

There are signs that restaurants are becoming more popular with families.有迹象表明,餐馆越来越受家庭欢迎。

signal: 指为某一目的而有意发出的信号、暗号。

When they found the ship was sinking, they immediately sent out the emergency signal SOS.当他们发现船正在下沉的时候,他们立刻发出了SOS紧急求救信号。

symbol: 指有象征意义的或表达某种深邃含义的特殊事物。

A dove is often used as a symbol of peace. 鸽子常被作为和平的象征。

mark: 既可指方便于辨认而有意做的标记,又可指自然形成的标记或有别于其他事物的特征。

He made some marks in the article where (it was )necessary. 他在文中必要的地方做了一些记号。




The invention of the computer marked the beginning of a new era.


He made marks with a marker.


Prices must be marked on the goods.



The sportsmen are all ready, waiting for the ___________ to start running. (C )

A mark B sign C signal D symbol


__________with his name, the bag will be found soon. (D)

A Marking B Mark C Marks D Marked

二、risk 的用法



例如:Smoking can increase the risk of developing heart disease. 吸烟会增加患心脏病的危险。

They are ready for any risks. 他们做好了迎接任何危险的准备。

Patients should be made aware of the risk involved with this treatment. 应该告诉病人这种治疗所涉及的风险。

The group was considered to be a risk to national security.这伙人被认为是威胁国家安全的危险分子。


如:He risked his life to save her. 他冒着生命的危险去救她。

She was risking her own and her children’s life.他在使她自己以及她的孩子们的生命面临危险。

It was a difficult decision but we decided to risk it . 这件事决心难下,但我们决定冒险一试。


如:But there was no choice, they knew they risked being arrested. 但是,他们别无选择,他们知道他们自己冒着被捕的危险。

We’ve been told not to risk travelling in these bad weather conditions. 我们事先被告知在这种恶劣的天气情况下,不要冒险出行。


1)at the risk of n ; at the risk of doing sth.冒着……的危险(做某事)

例如:He rescued the drowning child at the risk of his life. 他冒着生命危险救了那个落水的儿童。

At the risk of seeming rude, I'm afraid I have to leave now. 恕我失礼,恐怕我现在必须走了。

2)take a risk/take risks. 冒险。例如:

We do not expect untrained people to take risks. 我们不主张未受过培训的人员去冒险。

I took a risk in telling him the news at that moment. 我当时把这个消息告诉他,是冒了风险的。

3)take/run the risk of doing sth= risk doing sth 冒险做某事。例如:

He took/ran the risk of losing his own life and saved my life in the cold river.他冒着失去自己生命的危险,在冰冷的河水里救了我的命。

4)risk one's life to do sth. 冒着某人的生命危险去做某事。例如:

Why will you be willing to risk your life to challenge the laws of nature?你为什么愿意冒着生命危险去挑战自然法则 ?

5)risk doing sth.冒险做某事。例如:

They were willing to risk losing their jobs.他们愿意冒失业的危险.

The boatman was willing to risk ferrying them across.船夫愿冒险渡他们过江。

6) be at risk 处于危险之中;有危险的,有风险的:

With the climate changing , the whole world is now at the risk.随着气候的不断变化,整个世界正处在危险之中。

The sick and lonely are most at risk 患病又无人陪护的人风险最大。

7)put …… at the risk 使得某人处于危险之中

It isn’t worth saving a few minutes to put yourself at the risk. 为了节省几分钟而把自己置于危险之中是不值的。

8) a risk of sth …的危险;A risk of sb. doing sth. 某人做某事的危险

there is a risk of side effects. 有产生副作用的危险。

There is no risk of them being sued. 他们没有被起诉的危险。

9)at one’s own risk 自己承担风险

It’s at your own risk.那是风险自担的。

另外, A fire risk 火灾隐患, take no risks 慎重行事;at one's own [the owner's, the buyer's] risk (损失、风险等)由自已[物主、买主] 负责;at all risks=at any risk无论冒什么险,无论如何 。

(三)risk 与danger 辨析等:


例句:In war a soldier's life is full of danger. 在战争中,士兵的生命是充满危险的。


例句:They took a risk in driving on, in spite of the storm. 尽管有暴风雨,他们还是冒险驾车赶路。

He took a risk when he crossed the old bridge. 他冒险过这座旧桥。

此外,take the risk,take a risk,take risks 三者都是指“冒险”的意思,要说差异可以是:take the risk 是指具体的某一个冒险;take a risk 和 take risks 是指任意的冒险,没有指定。

risky是risk的形容词形式,意思为" 冒险的,危险的; 大胆的"。

例如:Investing in airlines is a very risky business. 投资航空业风险很大。





3) 该团体对国家安全而言是个危险因素。


He risked ________ his job to see me off.

A. losing B. to risk C. being lost D. lost


1)He saved my life at the risk of losing his own.

2)A lot of people took/ran the risk of being killed.

3) The group was considered to be a risk to national security.

4)解析:选A。risk doing sth.冒险做某事。

三、attach 的用法:


attach其基本含义是:①贴上,系上;②附加(署名,文件)等;③使(组织)属于……; 使(人)属于……。

She attached a stamp to the envelope and mailed it . 她在信封上贴上了邮票然后寄了出去。

He attached his signature to the contract. 他在合同上签了字。

This institute is attached to the Qinghua University. 这个研究所附属于清华大学。

attachment(附件,附属物) 是attach的名词形式。

如:please do not send your resume by attachment . 请勿以附件形式发送简历。

attachment 还有“依恋,依附”的意思。

如:She formed a deep attachment to the child. 她养成了对孩子深深的眷恋。

He formed an attachment with a young lady.他对一位年轻的女士产生了爱慕之情。

此外,附属中学:attached middle school, 附属小学:attached primary school ; 附属学校 attached school。


1)attach…… to…… 把什么栓(贴/系)在……

She attached the horse to a tree. 他把那匹马栓在了一颗树上。

The waiter will attach the label to your luggage. 服务生将会把这个标签系在您的行李上。

2)attach one’s name to ……在…… 上签名

The general attached his name to the document. 将军在这份文件上签了名。

3)be attached to 附属于;依恋

This hospital is attached to the medical college nearby. 这家医院附属于附近的那家医学院。

I am attached to every tree and bush in my hometown. 我依恋故乡的一草一木。

4)attach oneself to 依恋;依附

She attached herself to her family. 她对她的家人依依不舍。

5)attach (great) importance/too much significance to 名词/代词/动名词: (高度)重视…… ;过于重视……

如:We must attach importance to the use of new - type machines. 我们必须重视对新型机器的使用。

For such a big sum, we should attach importance to it. 数目如此之大, 我们将予以重视。

More and more people attach importance to reducing greenhouse gas emission.越来越多的人开始重视减少温室气体排放。

They attach great importance to education. 他们十分重视教育。

They attach great importance to the project. 他们对这项工程重视高度。

It’s unwise to attach too much significance to the information. 过于重视这个消息是不明智的。

注意:attach sb. to意思为"使参与,使属于",参加(党派、团体等),使成为一分子例。

如: He attached himeself to our group. 他参加我们组。

I got lost so I attached myself to a party of tourists. 我迷路了,所以我加入了一群游客之中。

be attached to意思为"喜欢,依恋"。

例如: Mary was attached to her brother. 玛丽很依恋她的兄弟。

be attached to 除了上面的意思外,还有“隶属于,系”

She was attached to the Chinese Embassy.她隶属于中国大使馆。

A tag was attached to each article. 每件物品上都系上了标签。

(三)attach,add和 fasten的辨析

这三个词都有“把某件东西或事添加到另一件东西或事上”的意思。不同的是:attach多指“外形上的结合,可连得上去,也可拆得下来,还有比喻的含义”;add增加,添加。 普通名词,有形无形都可用。fasten 栓牢,记牢;使固定。有时可与attach互换使用。

例如:She fastened(=attached )the notice to the board. 她把通知贴到布告板上。

Shellfish usually attach themselves to rocks. 贝类通常附着于岩石上。

China will not attach itself to any big power. 中国不依附任何大国。

Add some hot water if you think the coffee is much too strong. 如果你觉得这咖啡太浓,就加点儿热水。

His comments are bound to add fuel to the debate. 他的话必将为争论推波助澜。


1.我们要把经济发展放在首要位置。(attach…… to……)

We should attach primary importance to the development of economy.

2. 在中国这个古老的东方国度里,人们对婚嫁礼仪非常重视。(attach great importance to……)

In China, this ancient oriental country, people attach great importance to the marriage ceremony.

3.玛丽很依恋她的母亲。(be attached to…… )

Mary was attached to her mother.

4.填空:I am deeply­­­__________ to this old bike. (attached)


5. Is there a dining car_____ ______ the train? (attached to)

a. fasten on b. added to c. attached to

