She is neither a movie superstar nor a television luminary, but ecommerce sensation Zhang Dayi, 28 years old, is a bigger celebrity with the Midas touch.



Not only do her product endorsements send sales soaring - 5,000 garments in two seconds, equivalent to annual sales of a small brick-and-mortar store - but she laughs all the way to the bank.



Zhang works her magic in China’s cyber space. She posts her photos online. She offers a range of feminine advice on makeup, hairdos, wardrobes, you name it.Herfan base on Sina Weibo exceeds 4 million.




Zhang is one of a growing group of influential cyber celebritieswho are called Wanghong in Chinese. They target a large, growing segment of Internet users, and are famous.


As more and more people trawl the Internet using their smartphones and other handheld devices, Wanghong, in addition to clinching lucrative product endorsements, are able toride their fame to establish a new type ofmoney-spinning businesses of their own.



In May 2014, Zhang set up WuhuanxideYichu, or “The Wardrobe I Like” in English, her own online store on Taobao, Alibaba Group Holding Ltd’s online marketplace, home to more than 8 million hyper-competitive vendors.



Statistics from Taobao showed five out of its top 10 female clothes stores by sales in 2015 were owned and led by Internet celebrities.


“These path-breaking stores never advertise nor participate in sales events. Instead, they turn their customers into fans andoffer enhanced shopping experience by getting Wanghong to interact with them online. They monetize Wanghong’s influence on fans. The so-called Wanghong economy is set for explosive growth,” said Wen Zhong, director of Mobile Taobao.


“Every Internet celebrity represents a different style, reflecting different tastes and attitudes of their fans.”That is why, even a small group of fans could spell a fortune for cyber stars.


Ding Chenlin, a veteran entrepreneur in China’s ecommerce sector, said in the mobile Internet era, it doesn’t take millions of fans to be an Internet celebrity. “If you can cultivate 1,000 loyal fans, you, too, can make something out of it.


“You don’t even need to be extremely smart or beautiful to do that. The thing is, you first need to know who you are and what makes you different from the others.”

“关键的是,你需要有区别于他人的东西去打造你自己的个人品牌,” 他说。


A report published by GuotaiJunan Securities in January said each Internet celebrity is a brand in herself/himself that caters to diverse, fragmented demands of online shoppers. “The market driven by Internet celebrities in China has great potential with the clothes sector alone being estimated at more than 100 billion yuan.”


But an online store on Taobao is not essential for Internet celebrities to rake in the moolah. Cooperation with established brands could take the form of embedded subliminal advertisements in their videos, or hyperlinks in their Weibo posts and online articles.


Ding said if someone wants to earn his/her first 100 million yuan the fastest way, they must consider becoming an Internet celebrity.


“It’s like ... in 2008, the best way to succeed in ecommerce was to open an online store on Taobao. In 2013, it was to open an online store on WeChat. Now, in 2016, the best way is to become an Internet celebrity,” Ding said.



Being a cyber celebrity is not just about publishing a few attractive photos online. According to Wen, 1,000 photos of Zhang Dayi are clicked a day, out of which only a few best ones are selected and published online. This is to ensure her taste for good clothes appears distinctive.


Interacting with followers on Sina Weibo is also important.“Some of the girls send me messages online not only to exchange ideas on how to dress every day but share their experience of job interviews or finding loved ones. I’m truly happy for them when they talk to me about these things,” Zhang said in a previous interview.



1、粉丝打赏(Tips from fans)

许多社交平台以及视频直播平台都推出了打赏功能,粉丝可以直接向心爱的网红送钱。例如微信允许用户向原创文章视频等打赏1-256元不等(readers can reward the author with tips ranging from 1 yuan to 256 yuan。)

2、奢侈品牌的广告费(Advertising fees from luxury brands)

许多大牌例如Channel 和 Prada发新品时,都会找网红在微博上打广告,做精准营销(Targeted advertising or precision marketing)。 因为网红大多特点鲜明,他们的粉丝都是一批细分用户,比如都喜欢文艺范、小清新等。和时尚杂志比,消费者也觉得网红更接地气(having closer bonds with consumers)。

3、开网店,创立个人时尚品牌(Personal fashion brand)

开网店是网红赚钱的大头(the stream that pulls in the largest part of their income)。

4、出场费(Appearance fees)





▷4.05 million followers on Sina Weibo


▷Set up online store on Taobao in May 2014

▷Sales top all stores on Taobao whenever Zhang launches new clothes




▷1.41 million followers on Sina Weibo

微博粉丝量 1.41million

▷Her store on Taobao sold clothes worth an estimated 200 million yuan over an eight-month period (January-August 2015)


▷Dresses are priced between 220 yuan and 240 yuan




▷Nearly 300,000 followers on Sina Weibo


▷She set up a store on Taobao when she was still at college. By interacting with her fans and choosing the most popular designs for mass production, she tasted success


▷She used the sales proceeds to set up a small clothes factory with 100 employees by the time she graduated in 2013.



