五、形容词比较级中的常用搭配1、no more than 只,仅仅,下面我们就来聊聊关于形容词的完整形式?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!




1、no more than 只,仅仅

It's no more than a false alarm. 那只是虚惊一场。

No more than five people applied for the job. 申请这份工作的人竟只有五人。

2、not more than 最多,不到

There were not more than a hundred people at the rally. 大概不到100人参加了集会。

She is not more than twenty years old.她最多有20岁。

3、no less than 多达…

No less than a thousand people came.来的人竟然有上千人之多。

He stayed there for no less than two months. 他在那儿呆了两个月之久。

4、not less than 至少

There were not less than a thousand people there. 那里至少有一千人。

Neil gave her not less than one thousand dollars.尼尔给了她至少一千美元。

5、no less…than 和…一样

It's no less a person than the President.这真是总统啊!

He is no less hardworking than his sister,but he failed the exam. 他和他姐姐一样努力,但是他考试没及格。

6、not less…than 也许比…更…

Sammy is not less rich than his brother.萨米也许比他哥哥富。

7、not so much…as… 与其说…不如说…

I don't so much dislike him as feel sorry for him.与其说我不喜欢他,倒不如说我替他感到惋惜。

Allison is not so much an actress as a singer. 与其说艾莉森是个演员,不如说她是个歌手。


1、形容词的最高级表示在一定范围内某类事或某人在性质、高低和大小等方面程度最高或最低。其基本结构为:the 形容词最高级 比较范围(如介词of/in的短语或that从句)。如:

Tom is the tallest boy in his class.

This is the best of all.

This is the most interesting film that I have ever seen.


①否定词语 so/as 形容词原级 as

No boy is so brave as Tom in his class.

②否定词语 形容词比较级 than

Nothing is more interesting than to travel.

③the 形容词比较级 than any other 单数名词/all the other 复数名词

This plan is (the) nicer than other three.



②一些表示起源的词(English,British, original等)



