

这篇文章的题目是:Do What You Can






1.THERE was once a farmer who had a large field of corn.


a large field of corn 一大片玉米田



2.He weeded it for he wanted to sell the corn and buy good things for his family with the money.


sell the corn 卖掉玉米 buy good things 买些好东西 for his family 给家里 with the money用这笔钱



3.But after he had worked hard, he saw no rain fell.


worked hard 努力工作

4.He felt very sad, and every morning he went out to the field and wished for the rain to fall.


felt very sad 感到非常难过 every morning 每天早上 went out to the field 到田野里去 wished for the rain to fall 希望雨能下起来

5.One day, as he stood looking up at the sky, two little raindrops saw him, and one said to the other: "Look at that farmer. I wish I might help him."


looking up at the sky 抬头仰望天空 two little raindrops 两颗小雨滴 the other 另一颗



6."Yes," said the other, "but you are only a little raindrop. What can you do?"


a little raindrop 一滴小雨滴

7."Well," said the first, "I know, I cannot do much; but I can cheer the farmer. Here I go!"


the first 第一个 cheer the farmer 让农民高兴 Here I go 我去了

8.The second one said:"Well, if you insist upon going, I think I will go, too. Here I come!"


The second one 第二个 Here I come 我来了

9.And down went the raindrops.




10.One came pat on the farmer's nose, and one fell on a thirsty stalk of corn.


the farmer's nose 农夫的鼻子 fell on 落在 a thirsty stalk of corn 干渴的玉米秆



11."Dear me," said the farmer, "A raindrop! I do believe we shall have a shower."


Dear me 天哪

12.By this time a great many raindrops had come together and going down to cheer the farmer, and water his corn, because one little raindrop tried to do what it could.


a great many raindrops 许多小雨滴 going down 下来 cheer the farmer 给农夫欢呼 water his corn 浇他的玉米 one little raindrop 一颗小雨滴 tried to do 尽力去做




THERE was once a farmer who had a large field of corn. He weeded it for he wanted to sell the corn and buy good things for his family with the money. But after he had worked hard, he saw no rain fell. He felt very sad, and every morning he went out to the field and wished for the rain to fall. One day, as he stood looking up at the sky, two little raindrops saw him, and one said to the other: "Look at that farmer. I wish I might help him.""Yes," said the other, "but you are only a little raindrop. What can you do?" Well," said the first, "I know, I cannot do much; but I can cheer the farmer. Here I go!" the second one said:"Well, if you insist upon going, I think I will go, too. Here I come!" And down went the raindrops. One came pat on the farmer's nose, and one fell on a thirsty stalk of corn."Dear me," said the farmer, A raindrop! I do believe we shall have a shower."By this time a great many raindrops had come together and going down to cheer the farmer, and water his corn, because one little raindrop tried to do what it could.




1. Why did the farmer want to sell his corn?

2. Where did the farmer go every morning?

a. To the corn field

b. To the shop

c. To the play land

3. What did the one little raindrop say to the other?

4. "I do believe we shall have a shower." Who said that?

a. A child

b. A farmer

c. A woman

5. How did the shower come and why?

6. What can you do for others?

参考答案: 1.Because he wanted to buy good things for his family with the money. 2.a. 3.The one little raindrop say to the other that he could cheer the farmer. 4.b 5.The shower came together and went down to cheer the farmer, and watered his corn, because one little raindrop tried to do what it could. 6.略

