


from paddleocr import PaddleOCR import re def runOrc(self,path): #ocr = PaddleOCR() # need to run only once to download and load model into memory ocr = PaddleOCR(rec_model_dir=r'c:\paddleOrcModel\rec', cls_model_dir=r'c:\paddleOrcModel\cls', det_model_dir=r'c:\paddleOrcModel\det') #img_path = r"E:\InvoicePics\fapiao.jpg"; img_path = path; result = ocr.ocr(img_path) inform = []; for line in result: # print(line) inform.append(line[1][0]) String2 = '【' '】【'.join(inform) '】'; print(String2) if '发' in String2 or '票' in String2: invoice2 = re.sub('[a-zA-Z]', '', String2); # 公司 try: inform_reverse =inform[::-1];#倒叙取到的所有信息 for item in inform_reverse: if('公司' in item): self.gongsi = item break except: self.gongsi = "" # 发票号码 try: self.number = re.findall('【([0-9]{8})】', invoice2)[0] except: self.number = "" # 发票代码 try: self.daima = re.findall('【([0-9]{10,12})】', invoice2)[0]; except: self.daima = ''; # 发票日期 try: patter = '([0-9]*[年|月].*?)】' dateo = re.findall(patter, invoice2)[0] year = ''.join(re.findall('(2020)|(2021)|(2022)|(2023)|(2024)|(2025)|(2026)|(2027)|(2028)|(2029)|(2030)', dateo)[0]) #month = ''.join(re.findall('(01)|(02)|(03)|(04)|(05)|(06)|(07)|(08)|(09)|(10)|(11)|(12)', dateo)[0]) month=dateo[5:-4] date = dateo[-3:-1] self.ymd = year month date; except: self.ymd = ''; # 发票金额 try: amounts = re.findall('([0-9]*?\..*?)】', invoice2); arr_clean = list() # 去掉非数字的字符 for elm in amounts: try: float(elm) #print("could convert string to float:", elm) arr_clean.append(elm) except ValueError as e: print(e) amounts = [float(i) for i in arr_clean]; amounts.sort(); # 取重复的一个数字,如果不存在取第二大的数字 for i in range(1, len(amounts)): if amounts[i] == amounts[i - 1]: self.amount = amounts[i] else:self.amount = amounts[-2]; except: self.amount = 0 self.OneModel = [self.number, self.daima, self.ymd, self.amount,self.gongsi]; print(self.OneModel) return self.OneModel


import requests ''' OCR-增值税发票验真 ''' ''' invoice_code 代码 invoice_date 日期 invoice_num 编号 total_amount 开票金额 invoice_type 发票类型 special_vat_invoice ''' def check(invoice_code,invoice_date,invoice_num,total_amount,invoice_type,access_token): request_url = "https://aip.baidubce.com/rest/2.0/ocr/v1/vat_invoice_verification" params = {"check_code": "", "invoice_code":invoice_code, "invoice_date": invoice_date, "invoice_num":invoice_num, "invoice_type":invoice_type, "total_amount": total_amount} request_url = request_url "?access_token=" access_token headers = {'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} response = requests.post(request_url, data=params, headers=headers) if response: print(response.json()) return response.json()


python 发票识别(1000张发票验证python一键帮你搞定)(1)

