
hello,hi,my name is kelsey。what's your name,my name is t rex。t rex。jay nice to meet you jay,how old are you?i'm eight years old。nice to meet you.thus one,how are you?i'm happy?

what are you?doing today。is this water,or fire。this is water?is he a waterman。or fireman。this is a fireman,yes,are you ready ellie。yes。i am ready,fantasticvery good。today,we will learn about jobs。

okay first,we will listen super jobs。i am a magician,she is a magician。all right those are jobs,so let's see。so what did you about the video?i see two petition。hmm。where are they,they are in a restaurant。good what does the man do?he is a waiter。he is waiter。good、he is a waiter。


Everybody. 侧身 one do you.want,to be a waiter.yes、good.say yes、i do、yes、i do。okay good。

what does he do、he is a waiter.what does he do、she is a teacher。oh very good。what does he do、he is a policeman、wow、wonderful、apple early、five time。so what,is the title of this book、droop、droops、good jobs。


whatjobs and whatjobs do you.see what kind of jobs do you,see。i can seea teacher。i can see a doctor.good。can you read here.they are manyjobs in the world。what do you want,to be。look at this girl,what is her job.she is a cook,that's right good.he is a he is.A he ,SS 女主人. what do you.下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手下手。


SWSW,决 the bad 心愿,手心手心,who is,she she she she is teacher,一心一心,死而后已,一心,一心,精心精心精心精心,SS,新家,新家,CI,新家,暑期,新家,新家,暑期,新家,新家,暑期,新家,暑期,新家,暑期,新家,新居,新家,暑期,新居,新家,暑期,新家,暑期,RORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORODSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSon,zhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuessessess,zhuzhuzhuess,zhuzhuess,zhuSS,zhuSS,zhu NE,zhu NENE,zhu zhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhuzhu原版英语精读语言课第三级别试听,推荐7到10岁小朋友。

