我们知道,指针是C/C 语言的一把利刀。C/C 的指针分为三类:

① 指向数据的指针

② 函数指针

③ void指针


1 函数回调




C |从qsort函数了解void类型和回调函数

C函数指针,C 函数对象、lambda,Java接口加方法引用来回调函数

2 实现动态绑定

Direct function calls can be resolved using a process known as early binding. Early binding (also called static binding) means the compiler (or linker) is able to directly associate the identifier name (such as a function or variable name) with a machine address. Remember that all functions have a unique address. So when the compiler (or linker) encounters a function call, it replaces the function call with a machine language instruction that tells the CPU to jump to the address of the function.


In some programs, it is not possible to know which function will be called until runtime (when the program is run). This is known as late binding (or dynamic binding). In C , one way to get late binding is to use function pointers. To review function pointers briefly, a function pointer is a type of pointer that points to a function instead of a variable. The function that a function pointer points to can be called by using the function call operator (()) on the pointer.

在某些程序中,直到运行时(程序运行时),才可能知道将调用哪个函数。这称为后期绑定(或动态绑定)。在C 中,获取后期绑定的一种方法是使用函数指针。简单回顾一下函数指针,函数指针是指向函数而不是变量的指针类型。函数指针指向的函数可以使用指针上的函数调用运算符(())进行调用。

#include <iostream> int add(int x, int y) { return x y; } int subtract(int x, int y) { return x - y; } int multiply(int x, int y) { return x * y; } int main() { int x{}; std::cout << "Enter a number: "; std::cin >> x; int y{}; std::cout << "Enter another number: "; std::cin >> y; int op{}; do { std::cout << "Enter an operation (0=add, 1=subtract, 2=multiply): "; std::cin >> op; } while (op < 0 || op > 2); // Create a function pointer named pFcn (yes, the syntax is ugly) int (*pFcn)(int, int) { nullptr }; // Set pFcn to point to the function the user chose switch (op) { case 0: pFcn = add; break; case 1: pFcn = subtract; break; case 2: pFcn = multiply; break; } // Call the function that pFcn is pointing to with x and y as parameters // This uses late binding std::cout << "The answer is: " << pFcn(x, y) << '\n'; return 0; }

In this example, instead of calling the add(), subtract(), or multiply() function directly, we’ve instead set pFcn to point at the function we wish to call. Then we call the function through the pointer. The compiler is unable to use early binding to resolve the function call pFcn(x, y) because it can not tell which function pFcn will be pointing to at compile time!


Late binding is slightly less efficient since it involves an extra level of indirection. With early binding, the CPU can jump directly to the function’s address. With late binding, the program has to read the address held in the pointer and then jump to that address. This involves one extra step, making it slightly slower. However, the advantage of late binding is that it is more flexible than early binding, because decisions about what function to call do not need to be made until run time.


3 模拟类封装






4 动态绑定、函数指针数组(虚函数表)、多态

The virtual table is simply a static array that the compiler sets up at compile time. A virtual table contains one entry for each virtual function that can be called by objects of the class. Each entry in this table is simply a function pointer that points to the most-derived function accessible by that class.


In addition to, the compiler also adds a hidden pointer that is a member of the base class, which we will call *__vptr. *__vptr is set (automatically) when a class object is created so that it points to the virtual table for that class. Unlike the *this pointer, which is actually a function parameter used by the compiler to resolve self-references, *__vptr is a real pointer. Consequently, it makes each class object allocated bigger by the size of one pointer. It also means that *__vptr is inherited by derived classes, which is important.


By now, you’re probably confused as to how these things all fit together, so let’s take a look at a simple example:


class Base { public: virtual void function1() {}; virtual void function2() {}; }; class D1: public Base { public: virtual void function1() {}; }; class D2: public Base { public: virtual void function2() {}; };

Because there are 3 classes here, the compiler will set up 3 virtual tables: one for Base, one for D1, and one for D2.


The compiler also adds a hidden pointer member to the most base class that uses virtual functions. Although the compiler does this automatically, we’ll put it in the next example just to show where it’s added:


class Base { public: VirtualTable* __vptr; virtual void function1() {}; virtual void function2() {}; }; class D1: public Base { public: virtual void function1() {}; }; class D2: public Base { public: virtual void function2() {}; };

When a class object is created, *__vptr is set to point to the virtual table for that class. For example, when an object of type Base is created, *__vptr is set to point to the virtual table for Base. When objects of type D1 or D2 are constructed, *__vptr is set to point to the virtual table for D1 or D2 respectively.


Now, let’s talk about how these virtual tables are filled out. Because there are only two virtual functions here, each virtual table will have two entries (one for function1() and one for function2()). Remember that when these virtual tables are filled out, each entry is filled out with the most-derived function an object of that class type can call.


The virtual table for Base objects is simple. An object of type Base can only access the members of Base. Base has no access to D1 or D2 functions. Consequently, the entry for function1 points to Base::function1() and the entry for function2 points to Base::function2().


The virtual table for D1 is slightly more complex. An object of type D1 can access members of both D1 and Base. However, D1 has overridden function1(), making D1::function1() more derived than Base::function1(). Consequently, the entry for function1 points to D1::function1(). D1 hasn’t overridden function2(), so the entry for function2 will point to Base::function2().


The virtual table for D2 is similar to D1, except the entry for function1 points to Base::function1(), and the entry for function2 points to D2::function2().


Here’s a picture of this graphically:



Although this diagram is kind of crazy looking, it’s really quite simple: the *__vptr in each class points to the virtual table for that class. The entries in the virtual table point to the most-derived version of the function that objects of that class are allowed to call.


So consider what happens when we create an object of type D1:


int main() { D1 d1; }

Because d1 is a D1 object, d1 has its *__vptr set to the D1 virtual table.


Now, let’s set a base pointer to D1:


int main() { D1 d1; Base* dPtr = &d1; return 0; }

Note that because dPtr is a base pointer, it only points to the Base portion of d1. However, also note that *__vptr is in the Base portion of the class, so dPtr has access to this pointer. Finally, note that dPtr->__vptr points to the D1 virtual table! Consequently, even though dPtr is of type Base, it still has access to D1’s virtual table (through __vptr).


So what happens when we try to call dPtr->function1()?


int main() { D1 d1; Base* dPtr = &d1; dPtr->function1(); return 0; }

First, the program recognizes that function1() is a virtual function. Second, the program uses dPtr->__vptr to get to D1’s virtual table. Third, it looks up which version of function1() to call in D1’s virtual table. This has been set to D1::function1(). Therefore, dPtr->function1() resolves to D1::function1()!


Now, you might be saying, “But what if dPtr really pointed to a Base object instead of a D1 object. Would it still call D1::function1()?”. The answer is no.


int main() { Base b; Base* bPtr = &b; bPtr->function1(); return 0; }

In this case, when b is created, __vptr points to Base’s virtual table, not D1’s virtual table. Consequently, bPtr->__vptr will also be pointing to Base’s virtual table. Base’s virtual table entry for function1() points to Base::function1(). Thus, bPtr->function1() resolves to Base::function1(), which is the most-derived version of function1() that a Base object should be able to call.


By using these tables, the compiler and program are able to ensure function calls resolve to the appropriate virtual function, even if you’re only using a pointer or reference to a base class!


Calling a virtual function is slower than calling a non-virtual function for a couple of reasons: First, we have to use the *__vptr to get to the appropriate virtual table. Second, we have to index the virtual table to find the correct function to call. Only then can we call the function. As a result, we have to do 3 operations to find the function to call, as opposed to 2 operations for a normal indirect function call, or one operation for a direct function call. However, with modern computers, this added time is usually fairly insignificant.


Also as a reminder, any class that uses virtual functions has a *__vptr, and thus each object of that class will be bigger by one pointer. Virtual functions are powerful, but they do have a performance cost.





