[peppa pig小猪佩奇]台词剧本

第一季 第20话

20. The School Fete 学校游园会

Narrator:(Peppa Pig介绍):

I’m Peppa pig.我是佩奇。

This is my little brother, George.这是我的弟弟乔治。

This is Mummy Pig. 这是我的妈妈。

And this is Daddy Pig. 这是我的爸爸。


Today is the day of the school fete.


Tigers creep very, very slowly, and then, they jump!

Narrator: Today is the day of the school fete.今天是学校的游园会。

Peppa loves coming to the fete.佩奇喜欢去游园会玩。

Here are Peppa's friends, Candy Cat, Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Rebecca Rabbit and Pedro Pony.这些是佩奇的朋友小猫坎迪,小羊苏西,小狗丹尼,小兔瑞贝卡和小马佩德罗。

Peppa: Hello, everyone! 嗨大家好啊。

Friends: Hello, Peppa! 你好啊,佩奇!

Suzy Sheep: I love the school fete! 我喜欢学校游园会。

Peppa: Me, too! What do you like best? 我也是,你最喜欢玩什么呢?

Suzy Sheep: The face painting! 在脸上画画。

Pedro Pony: I like the balloons! 我喜欢气球。

Danny Dog: I like the bouncy castle the best! 我最喜欢那个充气城堡了。

Peppa: I like everything! 所有的我都喜欢。

Daddy Pig: A very good choice, Peppa! 非常好的选择,佩奇。

Danny Dog: See you later, Peppa! 一会儿见,佩奇。

Peppa: See you later! 一会儿见。

Daddy Pig: George, what do you like best? 乔治,你最喜欢玩什么呢?

George: Dinosaur! 恐龙。

Mummy Pig: Oh, dear, there aren't any dinosaurs at the fete, George. 哦,乔治,游园会里可是没有恐龙的。

Daddy Pig: Maybe we can get you a dinosaur balloon. 也许我们可以给你找个恐龙气球。

Mummy Pig: Are you sure they have dinosaur balloons,Daddy Pig? 你能确定他们有恐龙气球吗?猪爸爸。

Daddy Pig: I'm certain of it. 我当然能确定。

Peppa: Can George and I get our faces painted first? 乔治和我可以先去在脸上画画吗

Daddy Pig: Of course. 当然了。

Narrator: Miss Rabbit has painted Peppa's friends as tigers! 兔小姐把佩奇的朋友画成了老虎。

Miss Rabbit: There you are, Suzy! Now you look like a tiger! 画好了,苏西,看你现在像个老虎!

Suzy Sheep: Thank you, Miss Rabbit! 谢谢你,兔小姐。

Peppa: Wow! 哇哦。

I like your face, Suzy. Are you a pussycat? 我喜欢你的脸,苏西。你画的是小猫吗? [pussycat [ˈpʊsikæt] n. (儿童用语)猫咪]

Suzy Sheep: No! I'm a tiger! 不,我是老虎。

Miss Rabbit: Peppa, would you like your face painted? 佩奇,你想在脸上画画吗?

Peppa: Yes, please. 是的 谢谢。

Can I be an elephant? 把我画成大象行吗?

Miss Rabbit: Oh, dear, I don't know how to do elephants. I can do tigers! 哦天哪,我不知道怎么画大象,但我能画老虎。

Peppa: Yes, a tiger, please! 好的,就帮我画老虎。

Miss Rabbit: There you are, Peppa, now you're a tiger! 好了,佩奇,现在你是老虎了。

Peppa: I'm a tiger! 我是老虎。

Miss Rabbit: George, what would you like to be? 乔治,你想画成什么呢?

George: Dinosaur! Grr! 恐龙。

Miss Rabbit: A dinosaur? Err, how about a tiger instead? I'm good at tigers. 恐龙啊,呃,不然画老虎怎么样我画老虎很在行。

Peppa: I'm a tiger! 我是老虎。

Danny Dog: So am I! Woof! Woof! 我也是。

Candy Cat: Meow! Tigers don't say,“Woof! Woof!” 老虎不会发出这个声音。

Danny Dog: How do you know? 你怎么知道的?

Candy Cat: Because tigers are big cats. And I'm a cat! 因为老虎是一只大猫,而我就是只猫。

Peppa: Candy, please, can you teach us how to be tigers? 坎迪,你可以教我们怎么做一只老虎吗?

Candy Cat: Okay! Tigers creep very, very slowly, and then, they jump! 好的。老虎走路走得非常非常慢,然后会跳起来。[creep [kriːp] v.非常缓慢地行进]

Friends: Grrrr! 啊

Candy Cat: Tigers like to lick themselves clean. 老虎喜欢把他们自己舔干净。

But, best of all, when tigers are happy,they purr. 但是有的时候,老虎高兴了,他们会叫。[purr [pɜːr] v. (猫)发出呼噜声]

Mummy Pig: Hello, children. My goodness! You're all tigers! 孩子们好啊,我的天哪,你们都变成老虎了。

Candy Cat: And I'm teaching them to be proper tigers. Grrr! 而且我还在教他们怎么做一只老虎。

Mummy Pig: What do you little tigers want to do next? 那接下来你们想做什么呢?

George: Dinosaur! 恐龙。

Daddy Pig: That's right! 说得没错。

We have to find George a dinosaur balloon! 我们要帮乔治找到恐龙气球。

Mummy Pig: Let's get you all balloons! 你们每一个都有气球。

Children: Hurry! 好棒。

Mummy Pig: Hello, Madame Gazelle! 你好,羚羊夫人! [gazelle[ɡəˈzel] n.羚羊]

- We'd like some balloons, please. 请给我几个气球好吗?

Madame Gazelle: Certainly! I've got lots of different ones. 当然可以。我这里有很多不同的气球哦。

Peppa: Can I have an elephant balloon? Please! 能不能给我一个大象气球?

Madame Gazelle: Here you are, Peppa! 好的,给你佩奇!

Suzy Sheep: Can I have a kangaroo? 我要一个袋鼠气球。

Danny Dog: A lion, please! 我要一个狮子。

Rebecca Rabbit: A monkey, please! 我要一个猴子。

Pedro Pony: A parrot, please! 一个鹦鹉谢谢你。

Madame Gazelle: Yes, I've got all those! 好的,这些我都有。

Daddy Pig: Most important of all, we need a dinosaur balloon for George. 还有最重要的是,我们还要给乔治一个恐龙气球。

Madame Gazelle: Oh, dear, I do not seem to have any dinosaur balloons. 哦,天哪,真的很抱歉,我这里好像没有恐龙气球。

Daddy Pig: Oh. 哦。


Daddy Pig: Don't worry, George. I've got an idea. 别担心乔治。我有主意了。

Could we have two of the long balloons, please? 给我们两个长的气球好吗?

Watch this, everybody! 大家猜这是什么呢?

Narrator: What is Daddy Pig doing with the balloons? 猪爸爸要怎么摆弄这些气球?

There! Can anyone guess what it is? 好了,大家猜这是什么呢?

Suzy Sheep: Is it a kangaroo? 这个是不是袋鼠?

Daddy Pig: No, it's a... 不是,它是...

George: Dinosaur! 恐龙。

Daddy Pig: That's right, a dinosaur! 说得没错,这是一只恐龙。

Narrator: Daddy Pig has made a balloon dinosaur. 猪爸爸真的做了一只恐龙气球。

George: Grrrrrrrr! Dinosaur! 恐龙。

Peppa: Now, the bouncy castle! 我们去玩充气城堡吧。

Narrator: Peppa loves bouncing on the bouncy castle. 佩奇喜欢在充气城堡上玩。【bounce[baʊns] v. 蹦跳,上下跳动,(使)弹起反弹】 【bouncy[ˈbaʊnsi] adj. 弹性好的; 有反弹力的】

Everyone loves bouncing on the bouncy castle! 所有人都喜欢在充气城堡上玩。

This is the best school fete, ever! 这是最好玩的学校游园会了。[fete [feɪt] n. 宴会; 露天游乐会; 义卖游乐会; 庆祝活动;]

[小猪佩奇]视频在这里哦:小猪佩奇 第一季 英文版第20集-番剧-全集-高清正版在线观看-bilibili-哔哩哔哩ic_close_normal


We'd like some balloons, please.


Yes, I've got all those!


1. school fete 校园游园会


2.face painting:面部绘画

3. bouncy castle 充气城堡

Bouncy形容词,意为“有弹性的”,例如,a very bouncy ball弹性很好的球。

I like the bouncy castle the best! 我最喜欢弹力堡(游乐场中一种充气的大型儿童游乐设施)。

4. pussycat 小猫咪


5.creep: 慢慢地、悄悄地或偷偷地移动(尤指弯着腰走)


例句:Tigers like to lick themselves clean.老虎喜欢把它们舔干净。


8.bounce: 动词“弹跳”,跟bouncy是同根词。

例句:Everyone loves bouncing on the bouncy caste!所有人都喜欢在跳跳床上跳啊跳。


Now, the bouncy castle!


Everyone loves bouncing on the bouncy castle!

-The End-
