
1.almighty 全能的,很强的,万能

almigty god

2.swap/swɑːp/ v ,n 交换

Do you want to swap unbrellas?

He swapped his watch for a box of cigars.

The sat in a corner and swapped gossip.

wrap /ræp/ 包起来,包装,缠绕。不要傻傻记不清,以为swap 也有包装的意思

3.roll back 削弱(法律,系统,政府)的影响,使…倒流,使(价格,税)回落

a threat to roll back the legislation of the past 12 years

the administration's promise to roll back taxes

Looking at those old photos really rolled back the years

roll in 大量到达/发生

roll in cash/money/dough 挣很多钱

a rolling stone gathers no moss(苔藓,泥沼) 用来形容经常换工作,经常搬家的人不会有固定的人际关系或责任

4.reticent 缄默的

8.strait 狭窄的,苦恼的n 海岸,海峡

both sides of straits 海峡两岸

cross-strait relations 两岸关系


in dire need of sth 急需

The country is in dire need of food aid.

be in dire straits 出境相当困难(尤其指经济方面)

The firm is now in dire financial straits.

Everyone agrees the sport is in dire straits.

10.see that/see to it that 确信,检查某事完成了(make sure or check that something is done )

It's up to you to see that the job's done properly

The hotel's owners see to it that their guests are given every luxury

这个see that 之前见过一直没记牢,今天完结,搞定


see to 负责,照料

Go on, you go out.I'll see to the washing-up.


see through 做到底,(非正)帮助渡过难关,看穿

I've got enough money to see me through six months of unemployment.

I saw through his excuses.他的借口被我看穿了

I could never lie to her because she'd see right through me.

not see the forest for the trees


Her husband blamed her for not seeing the forest for the trees.

see the last of sb/sth 不会再见某人/某物(尤其是你不喜欢的人或物)

It's a relief to see the last of them.

see sth in sb/sth 看到某人/物的某项品质,特点等

He saw a gentleness in Susan.

what does sb see in sb?指不明白为什么某人爱某人?

I don't know what she sees in him.




I kept wondering what the guys in their twenties see in us


see sth for what it is /see sb for what they are


They are unimpressed with the scheme and rightly see it for what it is.



11.speak volumes 很有意义,含义深刻,意味深长

speak volumes for/about 充分/清楚表明某物的特征或某人的感受

What you wear speaks volumes about you.


12.filthy adj 肮脏的,下流的,淫秽的 adv 很,非常

filthy mind/language/strory/joke etc

filthy weather/night /day 很湿冷的天气/晚上

It's a filthy night to be out.

filthy rich/dirty 在这里就是adv了,很有钱,很脏

13.warm (up )to the idea/theme/object etc (变得对某事更感兴趣,更兴奋,更渴望)

The more she spoke,the more we warmed to the subject.


14.mortgage /ˈmɔːrɡɪdʒ/ t没有发音,你注意到了吗?n抵押贷款,抵押贷款的利息vt抵押

We decided to use Fred's redundancy money to pay off the mortgage.(=pay back all the money we borrowed for a mortgage)


We mortgaged our house to start Paul's business.



15.further notice 另行通知

The laboratory will be closed untill further notice.


We have nothing to do but wait for further notice.

16.laboratory / ˈlæbrətɔːri/ 可以理解为第一个o没发音吧,而且第一个o是紧跟b之后,实验室

17.grand 宏伟的,豪华的,极重要的 ,富有的n 大钢琴,一千美元/英镑

The party was a grand affair.

He looked very grand in his ceremonial(礼仪的,仪式的) uniform.

The car cost him 15 grand.


18.play hard to get 故意装出难以接近的样子(以鼓励对方近一步追求),故意装出不肯合作的样子(以加强自己的地位)

In the relationship with Jim, she likes to play hard to get.

play 的短语好多,也是常见的表达,再来积累几个

play sth by ear 随机行事,无机会地进行

play house 过家家

play woman 撒娇

play it cool 沉着冷静

play it safe 小心翼翼,求稳,不冒险

This time they choose to play it safe.

play for time 为争取时间而拖延

The rebels may be playing for time while they try to get more weapons.


play high 豪赌

play up to sb 对某人很有礼貌,友善(为了从某人那里得到想要的东西)

Connie always plays up to her parents when she wants money.

19.receipt /rɪˈsiːt/p没发音,读错好多年,收据

Make sure you get receipts for everything.

be in receipt of sth 已收到某物

I told my sister I had been in receipt of the parcel.

suite /swiːt/n 套房,注意发音跟sweet 一样


a honeymoon suite

a suite of rooms for palace guests

20.scoot over 过去一点儿 比如有人坐在那里,你过去挨着坐,让人挪一下,就可以说scoot over (非正式)

He scooted over so I could sit down.

scoot v溜走,快走,迅速跑开,骑轻便摩托车,猛冲,n 疾走,轻便摩托车

There's the bus-I'd better scoot.

I scooted my chair over to their table .


  1. The boy is so cute ,especially his_______green eyes.(清澈,明亮的)

  2. Currently, hundreds of small companies go into _______(清算,清偿,清除,消灭)

  3. Maybe the alcohol has_______his brains.(匍匐前进,快速爬行,把...扰乱,炒(鸡蛋),争夺)

  4. ________is popular in most cities now.(叫车软件)

  5. When it comes to piano, she ________(了如指掌)

  6. There is no shortcut at all so we have to ________(从基础开始,从头开始)

  7. All the songs in that CD were really ________(平淡的,过时的,成就的)

  8. Go ahead! I _________(支持某人)

  9. He spoke_________(断断续续的,不顺利的)

  10. I can't make any promise because the thing is __________(特别困难的事,没办法解决的事情)


  1. The actor threatened to take legal action against the magazine.(法律诉讼)

  2. The lady has some leverage over the politician.(影响,杠杆作用)

  3. It's considerable to make some contingent plans (应急计划)

  4. Trash can play a role in keeping the environment clean.(垃圾桶)

  5. Never use dirty tricks to get what you want.(卑鄙的手段)

  6. The woman hurried back home and took the stairs two a time(一步爬两格楼梯,两步做一步爬楼梯)

  7. In light of what he has done to me ,I left without saying a word.(考虑某事后)

  8. I suddenly saw my father in a new light (新的一面,另一面)

  9. A freezer and microwave oven can make light work of cooking(让某事变得容易,做起来轻松)

  10. The heat was making me listless (无精打采的,百无聊赖的)


