
New words and expressions】 生词和短语

★hot adj. 带电的,充电的


hot-hot-hot: 麻辣烫

hot-wings: 辣鸡翅

hot-tempered :火爆(脾气)的

hot-line :热线

hot topic :热门话题

hot cake :热蛋糕

hot dog :热狗

It sells like a hot cake/cakes.

hot :新鲜的

best seller: 畅销的东西

hot potato :棘手的问题

hot news :最热点的新闻

hot snake

★fireman n. 消防队员

hydrant: 消防栓

fire extinguisher:灭火器

extinguish=put out: 灭火

★cause v. 引起; n. 原因

cause sth.:引起麻烦

Carelessness causes accidents.

Pride causes failure.

cause sb to do sth. :导致某人做某事

Illness caused him to lose his temper

Because 因为 be cause

reason : 理由, cause 原因

cause :强调事情发生的直接原因(一个)

reason :其他各种的理由(很多个)

★examine v. 检查

examine the soil

check :核实,核对

★accidentally adv. 意外地,偶然地


accident :事故

unexpectedly :出乎意料地

Unexpectedly he didn't go.

I met the famous writer accidentally.

★remains n. 尸体,残骸

dead body

★wire n. 电线

★volt n. 伏特(电压单位)

★power line 电力线

★solve v. 解决

solve the mystery(迷)

solve the problem

★mystery n. 谜

★snatch v. 抓住

catch: 抓鱼


snatch :突然抓起来

seize : 抓住(用力)

seize my arm

★spark n. 电火花

  First listen and then answer the question.


  What caused the fire?

  At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California. Since then, they have been trying to find out how the fire began. Forest fires are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully, but were not able to find any broken glass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a firemen accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a snake which was wound round the electric wires of a 16,000-volt power line. In this way, he was able to solve the mystery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched up the snake from the ground and then dropped it on to the wires. The snake then wound itself round the wires. When it did so, it sent sparks down to the ground and these immediately started a fire.




put out a fire : 扑灭火

a fire :一场(堆)火

since then: 从那时起到现在为止

have been trying to


broken glass :被打碎的玻璃片

cigarette ends :烟头

be able to

be sure that :对...很有把握

quite sure :相当的把握性

rather: 相当



quite a few :颇有几个(相当多的)

start a fire= cause a fire

accidentally :偶然地

unexpectedly :出乎别人意料之外

cause :直接原因

notice :注意别人不注意的东西


wind one's way :蜿蜒而行

wind vt. 盘旋,缠绕

16,000-volt power line


in this way :以这种方式


had done



do so :这么做

I refuse to do so

send 宾补

down to the ground


hot snake :触电的蛇

get an electric shake :触电

now that : 既然


quiet adj. 安静的

quite adv. 相当地,非常地,很


reason:理由  cause:原因(直接)

cause v.

1. cause sth..导致,引起

2.cause sb to do sth...导致某人做某事

reason v.

reason with sb 劝说(以道理)

beg for sth :乞求什么东西


drop vt. 宾语(名词或代词),强调的是不小心掉下来

fall vi. 无宾语, 强调的是掉下来的概念,动作

【Multiple choice questions】

6. key phrase : be able to = can, succeed in doing

11. in this way 以这种方式 = that's how

  like 在英文中不表示方式

【Summary writing】

1. now that 既然

Now that firemen have put out a big forest fire in California,they have been trying to discover its cause.

2. 区分同位语和定语从句的区别:



5. In winding itself around the wires the snake had sent sparks to the ground and it caused the fire.

介词in,on 放在动词-ing前面的理解方式和没有in,on的理解方式一样
