




你好呀,我是来自加拿大的雅思外教Mac。今天,给大家分享1个雅思口语Part 3高频话题的高分语料。



- IELTS Speaking Part 3 -



Why do people learn foreign languages?

Hmm, well, from my viewpoint, I think people learn a second language for a number of reasons.

First, it forms an essential part in the education system of many countries. English, for instance, has been made a compulsory course in a large number of countries where it is not a native language. And so to be able to graduate from, say, junior high, senior high, and even university, one has to pass the English language exams, so in a way, i guess you can say one of the reasons is because it’s mandatory.

Other than that, people learn a new language for their personal goals such as studying overseas, gaining a promotion at work, or immigrating to a different country. In such cases, having a solid understanding of the language is one of the first steps, particularly when one is keen to immigrate abroad or continue their education overseas.

Another reason I believe people learn foreign languages is because they are curious and interested in the culture of that language. For example, those who enjoy Japanese animations are likely to gain some knowledge of Japanese.

So I think these are the three major reasons for people to learn foreign languages.

  • forms an essential part 组成……的重要部分
  • compulsory course 必修课
  • native language 母语
  • mandatory 强制的
  • a solid understanding of 充分理解
  • animations 动漫

What makes a good foreign language teacher?

From my experience, decent foreign language instructors actually have a lot in common. First of all, they have a solid understanding of the language they teach and they know the 'in's and 'out's of the language. This, I believe, is the bottom line, for without it, the quality of their teaching remains lower. So they should, for example, have a very good grasp of the grammar.

Another quality that makes a good foreign language teacher is that they can make language-learning engaging, interesting, and interactive. I mean, let’s face it, a dull teacher discourages students’ curiosity and so being able to engage students as much as possible is definitely something that a great language teacher should hold.

  • the bottom line 底线
  • have a very good grasp of 把……学得很透;掌握
  • engaging 有趣的
  • interactive 互动的
  • dull 无聊的;无趣的


Do you think grammar is important in learning a foreign language?

Definitely. Although grammar is not the most exciting element in the language-learning process, it serves as the core of any language.

If words are the flesh of a language, then grammar is the skeleton…and so by learning grammar, a learner is able to quickly gain a basic understanding of the language and can make sentences faster, more effective, and more logical.

So yes, grammar plays a significant part in learning a foreign language.

  • the core of 核心
  • skeleton 骨干


Is it interesting to be a foreign language teacher?

Sure. Being a foreign language teacher, in a way, means bringing something completely different to your students…a new writing system, new pronunciation, new grammar, new culture, as well as new perspectives.

By teaching another language, you are guiding the pupils into another realm and this is a rewarding experience, and I speak from personal experience, as I also teach English to kids.

  • realm 领域
  • a rewarding experience 获益匪浅的体验



