


Confused 混乱

例句: His words confused her. (他的话困惑了她。)

Disorientated 迷失

例句: Mary felt shocked and totally disorientated. (玛丽感到震惊,完全迷失方向。)

Perplexed 困惑

例句: The students looked perplexed, so the teacher tried to explain once again.


Puzzled 困惑

例句: Mary had a puzzled expression on her face. (玛丽脸上露出疑惑的表情。)

Muddled 糊涂/ 混乱

例句: The lesson was not clear, and it has muddled me. (这堂课并不清楚,而且让我感到困惑。)

Bewildered 困惑

例句: Peter bewildered, unsure of where he was after he woke up. (彼得感到困惑,不确定他醒来之后他在哪里。)


例句: Janice was still dazed by the blow to her head. (珍妮丝仍然被头上的一击弄得头昏眼花。)

Befuddled 迷惑

例句: Jacky looked a little befuddled. (杰基看起来有点糊涂。)
