
I'm going to use the washing machine 我要去用洗衣机了。

I'm going to do the laundry 我要去洗衣服了。

Let's put the laundry in the machine 把要洗的衣服放进洗衣机里

Get the socks all together 把袜子都放一起

Put the colored clothes here and the whites over there 有颜色的衣服放这里,白色的衣服放那里。

Should these pants be washed? 这条裤子也要洗吗?

Gosh! Dad's socks smell bad! 啊爸爸的袜子好臭。


Mom, can you wash this shirt? 妈妈,你能洗这件衬衣吗?

There are stains on the shirt 这件衬衣沾上汗渍了。

We're going to boil the whites and towels 我们来烫一下白衣服和毛巾吧!

There is a lot of laundry to do 有好多衣服要洗

Put in the detergent 放洗衣粉

I'll hand-wash this 这个我手洗

Don't put those clothes in the machine 不要把那些衣服放进洗衣机。

We have to dry-clean those clothes 那些衣服必须干洗

The laundry is done 衣服洗好了

Laundry's done! 洗衣服结束!

Let's hang the clothes on the rack 我们把衣服晾在晾衣架上吧!

Will you help me hang the clothes? 你能帮我晾这件衣服吗?

Try hanging your clothes by yourself 你的衣服你自己试着晾晾看

I want to hang the socks 我想要晾袜子。

Put it on the drying rack 晾在晾衣架上。

Whose sock is this? 这是谁的袜子?

Can you hang the socks? 你能把这些袜子晾好吗?

Shake each item and put it on the rack 一件一件抖开之后,再把它们晾上去

Shape the clothes before you hang them 晾上去之前先把衣服抖抖好。

These are my briefs 这是我的内裤 :briefs: 短内裤

Wow, Dad's trunks are super big! 哇,爸爸的内裤好大! : Trunks 男用运动裤

Your bra is pretty, Mom 妈妈,你的内衣好漂亮

Make sure the clothes don't hit the ground 确保衣服不会碰到地上

Put the shirt on the hanger 把衬衣挂在衣架上

We will need some clothespins 我们需要一些衣夹子

Here's a clothepin 衣夹在这里

The stain's not completely out 汗渍没有完全洗掉

It will be all dry tomorrow 到明天,一定全干了

There's no room anymore 没有地方可以晾了

The weather should be nice 天气应该会很好

The laundry's going to dry well because it's sunny 天气好,所以衣服会很快干

A sunny day is a good laundry day 晴天是适合洗衣的天

If it rains, the laundry won't dry well 下雨的话,衣服不太很快干


