
accuse v. 指责,指控

[巧记]ac加强义,cuse=cause;accuse 即追究……的原因。

[搭配] accuse sb. of sth.= charge sb.with sth. 控告某人

the accused 被告

the accuser 原告

accustomed adj. 习惯于;通常的,惯常的

[巧记] ac(加强义) custom(风俗、习惯)=accustom(使…对…习惯)

[搭配] be (get, become, grow) accustomed to(变得)习惯于

▲ (介词)

[相关] be (get, become, grow) used to ;adapt oneself to;adjust oneself to

ache n. 疼痛


[合成词] toothache 牙疼;headache 头疼;stomachache 胃疼

[辨析] ache pain hurt

ache 指一种持久的疼痛,或因小病或失调引起的感觉

I have an ache in my stomach. 我胃疼。

He is aching all over. 他浑身痛。

pain 指人体感到不舒服,是一般用语,可指身体或精神方面的痛

I have a sharp pain in the neck.. 我的颈部痛得很。

hurt 指身体或精神的伤害,作“疼痛”时,为不及物动词

What you have said hurt her. 你说的伤到她了。

My fingers still hurt now. 我的手指还在痛。

achieve vt. 完成,实现;达到;得到

[巧记] a(=to) chieve(=chief头)=achieve走到顶,完成

[搭配] achieve one’s aims 达成目标;achieve nothing一事无成;achieve success 成功;

achievement n.完成;成就,功绩(可数)

[名人名言]The only worthwhile achievements of man are those which are socially useful.---Adler




a 字母(包括ab,ac,ad,af,ag等,视之后的词根首字母而定)是一个组合能力很强的前缀,表示:


2)=to,on,如:aboard, abroad, access, achieve等;


acid n.酸;酸的,酸性的


[搭配]acid rain/acid test/acid reaction 酸雨/酸性测试/酸性反应

acknowledge 承认,告知(或确认)(信件等的)收到;对……表示感谢

[巧记] ac(加强义) knowledge(知识、知道)

[例句]1、Liu Xiang is acknowledged as one of the most outstanding athletes of the present time. 刘翔被公认为是当代最杰出的运动员之一。

2、I acknowledge Prof.White for his help with my project.我感谢惠特教授对我的项目的帮助。

acquaintance n. 认识的人;泛泛之交;熟人

acquire vt .取得;获得;学到

[巧记] ac(加强义) quire (询问,求)

[搭配] acquire knowledge/skills/property获得知识/技能/财产

[名人名言]We work to become, not to acquire.——Hubbard


[辨析] acquire get obtain gain

acquire 指(经过一个过程或通过自己的努力才)“获得”,“习得”

get 为一般用语,表示“得”,“取得”等,常用在口语中

obtain 比get文雅些,指凭着努力,要求等而“得到”

Further information can be obtained from our head office.


gain “取得”“赚得(利益等)”,含优势和成就等意味。

Nothing can be gained without an effort . 不劳则无获。


acquisition n. (知识、技能等的)获得,得到

acre n. 英亩(4 840平方码,约为4 050平方米)

across prep.穿过…, 越过…, 在…的对面;在…的另一面

adv. 从 边到另一边

[搭配] come across = run across 碰到某人或遭遇某事

get sth. across 使人理解,领会

across the river 横渡河流或在河对岸

act vi.行动;做,做事;表演;

vt. 扮演(角色)

n. 行为,动作;法令;法案,(戏)幕

[搭配] act on/ upon 根据…行事;对…产生影响,对…起作用

act on the teacher’s instructions 遵照老师的指令

act on metals. 对金属起作用

an education act 教育法


action n. 行动

[搭配] take action 采取行动

in action 在活动中;在运转

out of action 不(再)起作用,不(再)运转

[名人名言]Actions speak louder than words.


The only cure for grief is action.---- Lewis

