





1.alike adj. 相同的;类似的

2.castle n. 城堡

3.museum n. 博物馆

4.pub n. 酒馆,酒吧

5.industry n. 工业

6.effect n. 影响;效果;效应

7.former adj. 以前的;从前的

8.latter adj. 后者

9.found vt. 成立;建立

10.heritage n. 遗产

11.informal adj. 非正式的

12.influence n. 影响

13.local adj. 本地的;当地的

14.monument n. 纪念碑

15.ashamed adj. 惭愧;羞愧;尴尬


1.construct vt. 建设

construction n. 建设;建筑物

2.surprised adj. 吃惊的

surprising adj. 令人吃惊的

3.terrified adj. 害怕的

terrifying adj. 令人恐怖的

4.thank v. 感谢

thankful adj. 感谢的

5.forgive vt. 原谅

forgiveness n. 原谅

6.guilt n. 有罪;罪行

guilty adj. 内疚的;有罪的

7.convince v. 使确信;使信服

convinced adj. 确信的;坚信的;深信的

convincing adj. 令人信服的

8.govern vt. & vi. 统治;管理

government n. 政府

9.history n. 历史;历史学

historic adj. 历史上重要的;古老的

historical adj. 与历史有关的;史学的

10.charm n. 魅力, 吸引力

charming adj. 迷人的


1.applaud v. 鼓掌;称赞

2.motivate v. 激发

3.elegant adj. 高雅的

4.adore v. 喜欢;爱慕

5.apparent adj. 明显的

6.discount n. 折扣

7.mourn vt. & vi. (对……)感到痛心/悲痛;悼念;哀悼

8.contradictory adj. 互相矛盾的

9.controversial adj. 引起争论的

10.critical adj. 批评的

11.annoyed adj. 生气的;恼怒的

12.discrimination n. 歧视

13.dispute v. & n. 争论

14.remains n. 遗迹,剩余物

15.landscape n. 风景;风景画


1.date back to Tang Dynasty   追溯至唐朝

2.one of the wonders of the world 世界奇迹之一

3.build such a great architecture 建造如此伟大的建筑物

4.cultural relics 文化遗产

5.be built in a fancy style 建筑风格奇异

6.be decorated with many jewels and jewelry


7.a Chinese paper­cutting exhibition 中国剪纸艺术展

8.show sb. around the Great Wall 领着某人参观长城

9.lose sight of 忽视

10.be of vital importance 至关重要

11.traditional crafts 传统工艺品

12.world heritage site 世界遗产

13.be listed in 被列入

14.a symbol of Chinese culture 中国文化的象征

15.ancient civilization 古代文明


1.Built in the 16th century, the castle has witnessed too much coming and going in history.


2.Well­known for its extraordinary quality, beautiful design and brilliant color, Chinese silk has been regarded as a symbol of Chinese culture.中国丝绸因非凡的质量、美丽的设计和色泽,已被认为是中国文化的象征。

3.Cultural heritage is a symbol of splendid ancient civilization and protecting it can make us feel proud of our nation.


4.It's our duty to take more effective steps to better protect our cultural heritage.采取有效措施更好地保护我们的文化遗产是我们的责任。

5.Mary likes Chinese culture relics very much. She spends most of her spare time going everywhere in search of rare things.玛丽非常喜欢中国的文化遗产。她把大部分业余时间花在到处寻找稀有的东西上。


灵活利用表达词汇并参考晨背佳句, 补全下列各句。


Standing on the top of the hill is a monument ____________________________.


It's high time that we should ___________________________________________________.


The protection of the folk culture ___________________________________ the Chinese cultural diversity.


____________________________ our ancestors, so we must unite together to protect them.

1.dating back to hundreds of years ago

2.take some effective measures to protect the cultural heritage 

3.is of great significance to 

4.Cultural relics represent the wisdom of
