Super God Gene



The future unfolded on a magnificent scale into the Interstellar Age. Humanity finally solved the space warp technology, but when humanity transported themselves into the other end, they discovered that place neither had a past nor future, nor was there any land under the starry skies……

The mysterious sanctuary was actually a world filled with countless tyrannical unusual organisms. Humanity faced their great leap in evolution, starting the most glorious and resplendant new era under the starry skies.

“Slaughtered the God Blood organism ‘Black Beetle’. Received the God Blood Black Beetle’s Beast Soul. Used the God Blood Black Beetle’s flesh. Randomly obtaining 0 to 10 points of God Gene(s).”





New Purps

Don't remember my chapter.What I do remember is this.MC becomes OP.Face slaps Young Masters/Ladies.MC Leaves Before Maxing Out His Strength In That Area (cliche).Immediately Joins A Ladies Bottom Ranked Organisation (cliche).



MC's personality - robot pretending to be human.Biography doesn't reveal why he exceptionaly talented in everything. Even without his "Dragon ball" he is OPAF. No fear. No pain. Submissive bootliker with one girl, Casanova with another. Explanation? Naaaaaaah, too boring. Characters - plain. Every male - petty. Every girl - pretty.Summary: Don't waste your time.



There isn't anything... bad with the novel. However, nothing sticks out either. Usually the MC would be someone who is unique in some way, but this MC is all too normal and all too boring.



This novel has so much potential that's just wasted. I'm not even gonna go into it, it makes me mad just thinking about it.

The number one thing in this novel that pisses me off is how the author does so much work just to make the MC look weak.



The worldbuilding for this story is great. The action is well written. The pace is pretty good. But. There are a lot of problems to go with it.



If you like action/adventure settings and can turn off your brain to enjoy them, then you may like this story. If you don't, then there isn't much here for you.



I serious hate this MC and author. The author can't stop using the same damn sh*tty plot points by having him hide his identity over and over and over and then some? I have never seen an author play out the same bullsh*t over and over to the level this crappy author has. It was useful and amusing the first handful of times but, this is just getting f*****g ridiculous.



The problem is that the author has the same repeat plot and s*upid MC and companions. What is written is very VERY inconsistent. Originally, in chapter 1 or 2, the MC is weak and has no talent then gains a stone which lets him get beast souls (basically)... suddenly the MC has loads of talent in EVERY SINGLE THING HE DOES!! It makes absolutely no sense.



Has a pretty decent start and a relatively interesting method of "cultivation" unfortunately, as the story goes on, inconsistencies in the plot (the bane of basically any Xianxia/webnovel) crop up and after just too many annoying points that start as important but later aren't even a talking point.



A novel for wasting time. This novel has a huge potential to be one of the greatest chinese webnovel ever. But like every chinese novels, this novel suffers the same ailment as every chinese novels. Rushed plot, a large number of chapters but nearly every chapters in the late phase of the novel is a summary.They are really bad in creating formulating their plots for the mid to end. They are only good in writing early chapters only to rush the story to finish it since they got themselves burned out. I like the way jp authors do their story as they aren't rushing. But jp authors also suffer flaws like cliched story, dense, too childish or too beta.



I wouldn't waste my time reading this. Nothing against the translators, but the author did NOT write a good story. The plot is nonexistent and includes stupid tricks and plot armour. The world building is tripe. The COINCIDENCES and actions of the characters are just fucking annoying to the extreme.



Don't blame the author for it , all xanxia and wuxia novels have extremely thick plot armour.



The MC can probably walk naked through fire without harm due to plot armor ;)Lol



Like pretty much all the novels on this website. I'm still going to give it try, I will come back on that review to insult that novel if it's really bad lol.



It's true. This is much worse than other novels, incredibly cliche, and the coincidences are dumb to an extreme. They are far too many and completely ruin my immersion.



What the guy says is true, there are so many dumb plots where nothing makes sense at all, the MC is as hell, maybe they forgot to evolve their brain while trying to evolve their gene and also the world building is too small, this is the type of novel where everyone bumps into the same town every now and then.



It really just comes down to readers preference. Honestly, ive read worse novels but this one is a different kind of bad. It is sooo cliche and badly written that you go to the extreme and actually like it.



Don't bother reading this. Starts ok but goes downhill fast. Translation and editing quality really deteriorates.

