

湖南师范大学外国语学院推出“重温雷锋日记 传承雷锋精神”系列短视频,讲好党的故事,传承红色基因,让雷锋精神薪火相传。




June 30, 1962


Individualism is like a small boat in the sea, and a simple touch of the wind and waves, will capsize it. Collectivism is like an atomic icebreaker on the Arctic Ocean, which can destroy any kind of ice. I think it's better to ride the waves in an atomic icebreaker than to wobble in a boat.



One man could only advance single-handedly, while many hands will have the power to move mountains. Comrade Lei Feng's vision is always oriented to the collective. He is like a drop of water, plunging himself into the vast ocean of socialist cause without any hesitation. He firmly believes that strength comes from solidarity and honour comes from the collective. One drop of water in the ocean could never dry up, and the spirit of Lei Feng will live on forever.
