
Andy's English Notes

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Emma Stone我的了解真的不多。只知道她的粉丝会把她称为石头姐,知道她经常饰演那种大大咧咧的角色。别的真的说不上来了。这次的Lalaland让她拿到了第 89 届奥斯卡影后,就是对她演技的充分肯定,但我个人觉得下文中她的获奖感言还是有一点语无伦次的。也能理解,换了谁捧着这个奖杯都会是这个样子啦。


Well, it’s, I guess surreal is probably the only way to describe it. It was, I mean, to play this woman, I knew this, I’ve lived here for 13 years. I moved when I was 15 to start auditioning and I know what it felt like to go on audition after audition. So I mean anything like this is pretty inconceivable in a realistic context. So right now, it still feels, I had a really creepy little moment backstage. Not to change the subject, but I was just like, looking down at it, like it was my newborn child. It was like, this is a statue of a naked man. It’s very creepy, starring at it. So hopefully I’ll look at a newborn child differently, but I mean it’s just, yeah, it’s incredibly surreal. I don’t have the benefit of hindsight yet. Sorry that’s a terrible answer, (which) turned it into a naked man story.


  1. Not to的辅音连读;

  2. change,许多同学最害怕遇到这里[ei]和[n]的组合发音了;

  3. subject,字母u发[ʌ],类似于love的读音,并且这里的b在词内失去爆破;

  4. but I常见组合连读;

  5. just like里面just的t吞音,但like后有标点符号,所以不吞音不浊化;

  6. down,不要读成汉语的“当”,注意双元音[au]加鼻音的组合;

  7. down at it和like it的连读;

  8. It was在一起的时候it的t失去爆破。


  1. surreal,字典中的解释是adj. 超现实主义的;离奇的;不真实的。这个词是来自于法语surréalisme,sur这个前缀表示“超过的”;

  2. to go on audition after audition去面试就是to go on audition,而去参加一个接一个的面试,老外不是说什么endless或者multiple times,而是直接用 sth after sth这样的结构;

  3. inconceivable不可思议的,还原一层就是conceivable可能的、可想象的,变成动词就是conceive怀孕、构思、认为、持有,这个词还有一个远方亲戚就是conceit自负、幻想;

  4. had a really creepy little moment十分诡异的片刻,这个结构的原始形态have a moment的用法反而更值得我们研究。比如说热恋的两人度过了一段美好的时光,父子之间多年来好容易有了一次男人之间的谈话,都可以说have a moment,大概的意思就是说“之间有了一种奇妙的、美好的时光,产生了精神上的共鸣”;

  5. Not to change the subject, but聊天常用语“不是我想要岔开话题,而是……”;

  6. hindsight名词n. 后见之明;枪的照门。与之相对应的一个词就是“先见之明”foresight。
